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weed or incredibowl

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by justin12345, May 3, 2011.

  1. I've been gathering money and im at 170 dollars. Im having a tough time deciding on whether or not i should buy only weed with the money or buy a mini incredibowl and spend the rest on weed. thoughts?
  2. Depending on the price of your weed and incredibowl, I'd go with both.
  3. If I were you I'd buy a nice bong or piece and then spend the rest on bud
  4. Well I'd say you should get both. I'm considering doing the same thing. Just sold my textbooks back and I am either going to get the mini incredibowl or a bubbler or double bubbler. And some dank. Plus I'll be working this summer so I'm not worried about spending all this money on weed. I have been looking forward to a new piece for a while now. Sorry I'm rambling..

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