Weed on my doorstep - advice please!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by BeyondIndigo32, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Something very strange happened today. My Boyf and I spent a lazy Sunday, and then he left the house to go food shopping. When he opened the door, there was a baggie of weed on our doorstep :eek:

    We've called all our connects and none of them have dropped anything off. The amount is very, very small...my boyf reckons it's about a third of an eighth.

    My question is...what do we do about it? We have no idea who left it or if it was meant for us (we're wondering if it could have been left for one of the neighbours...our house is number 42 and there is a 42a right next to us, perhaps someone got the wrong house?)

    But we're understandably feelin quite shaken and confused (we have a letterbox, if it was for us, why didn't somebody just drop it through the letterbox? But all our connects have said it wasn't them.) And why the hell would someone even order such a small amount? My Boyf is wondering if maybe it fell out of someone's pocket, being such a small amount and all.

    What would you do? We've thouht about going to the police but that doesn't really appeal as I imagine they won't believe our story (despite the fact that it's true) and if they want to drug-test us they'll find THC in both our bloodstreams/urine/hair whatever as we've both smoked recently. Would you destroy it, or hold on to it and see if anyone comes to claim it?

    Curiouser and curiouser. Would really appreciate some advice, blades.
  2. shut up and smoke it.
  3. Smoke that shit and go about your evening.
  4. Sounds like someone (most likely you guys) accidentally dropped it on the ground on the doorstep, its a weird amount (who would buy a 3rd of an 8th? crazy fractions there) so its probably the leftovers of an 8th, if it doesn't belong to anyone you know, just enjoy the lucky find an smoke it!
  5. ooh shit look theres a nug on the floor!


    POLICE!11 GET ON THE GROUND pew pew pew, I SAID get on the ground! oh shit hes dead already! FAlse alarm fellas!
  6. It definitely wasn't us who dropped it, we never take our stash out of the house and in any case we've been dry for a few days and it was only left there today...

    It is a mysteryyyy!
  7. Yes, very amusing. So if you found mystery weed right outside your house, you wouldn't even be a little concerned and confused by the fact that someone unknown left weed there, right in full view of passers-by, in broad daylight? Our house is right on the street so it's not like it was in any way hidden. I thought I was justified in asking for advice about this pretty bizarre situation.

  8. Just smoke it haha, its not that hard a decision

  9. dont take me so serious.

  10. #10 garrison68, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    Bring it to the police? Why would anybody that smokes even think of doing something like that?

    Somebody dropped it what's the big deal? Could have been the postman, a delivery guy, whatever. I've found a small bag like that in the lobby of a building I lived in, I just kept it and did exactly what I would expect somebody to do had they found any that I may have lost.
  11. You must smoke the mystery weed.

    Mystery weed....mmmmmmm.
  12. Ok dude, sorry, we were just a little confused and freaked out by the whole thing and I guess I was a bit edgy. Maybe if I go smoke it, I won't be so edgy...LOL!
  13. #13 BeyondIndigo32, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011

    We thought about doing that because we were a bit concerned someone might have reported it. I mean, it was a small amount, but it was in a fairly large baggie and was on the doorstep in full view of the street, and we have no idea how long it's been there. Our house has no garden, yard or forecourt at the front and the doorstep gives right on to the pavement where people walk past all the time. But I guess if someone had reported it, we would have had a loud knock on the door already. ("ello ello, what's this 'ere then?" lol)

    Also we live down the street from a police station, and police patrol on a fairly regular basis around here.

    It's just strange for it to have been dropped there, right on the doorstep, in the corner...I'm not sure how it could have been done accidentally, someone would need to be standing in the doorway to get it in so precise a position...and if it was for us, I don't understand why someone wouldn't have put it through the letterbox.

    Nothing about it makes any sense...the small amount, the fact that it was left right on the step, the fact that no-one we know seems to know anything about it...it's just WEIRD.
  14. Have a fun day :wave:
  15. I think maybe someone is trying to make a statement.
    Or just trying to fuck with you two about smoking weed, maybe your parents?
  16. Lol definitely not, both sets of parents don't live anywhere near us. Besides, my parents know I smoke and don't give a shit :smoke:
  17. What about someone else???

    Did you leave your weed at someone else's house?

    Do you recognize this bag at all? The Weed in it?
  18. I'm a caretaker at a very remote hotspring, I have found little persents under the windshield wipers of my truck many times... :)

    I just smoke em up
  19. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piVnArp9ZE0&feature=related]YouTube - ITS A TRAP![/ame]
  20. pretty positive your not being set up if thats what your worried about, cause i think that would be entrapment.

    So, smoke it right now. Destroy the evidence to be safe:smoke:

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