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Weed Oil - Your thoughts

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Whatisup618, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. So recently I smoked weed oil. My friend smoked me up and she poured on top of the weed in the bowl this weed oil stuff. She said it was like 60% THC but pretty expensive, like 60 bucks a gram. It was kinda fun to smoke, blowing out the oil when it caught fire. Well let me just say it got really really messed up from the one bowl, shared between two people.

    You guys ever heard of this / have an experience with it? Like / Dislike?
  2. Are you referring to hash oil?

    It's a lot more of a intense high. Something I'm not really a fan of. I know it's not that pricey no matter what form of cannabis, but maybe..
  3. most of the time money cant buy that stuff !
  4. i get it for $20 a gram :hello:
  5. I have access to oil but i don't use it because it's expensive as fuck, but more importantly it doesn't provide me with the high im looking for.

    Oil is intense as fuck. Whenever i take a good hoot of some oil im absolutely gone, which isn't a bad thing, but the burning out part is. You feel like absolute shit, you feel like sitting there and either smoking more or just evolving into some kind of Gelatin blob so you don't have to move.

    If i ever get my hands on some oil, i'll usually turn around, make a profit and buy some hash AND dope, OR, i'll go buy some rolling tobacco, use my roller to roll cigs and dip the cigs in the oil, its a fucking great headrush but your not smoking a ton of oil either, relaxing.

    In almost all cases, i'm buying oil for 60-80 bucks a vial. Notice how i said "Make a profit" and not "Selling it", because i don't "Sell it"...Dicussion of dealing ain't allowed folks, take
  6. i can get some nice oil from the dispensary for like 50 bucks a gram, or go to my friend and have him make some of his super critical mega hash oil and cop it at 30 a gram, and its much, much better than the 50 a gram shit hahahaha. Nothing beats the friend prices

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