Weed, Music, or Women (men, for the ladies and the gays)

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by FindingTim, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. My friend recently posed an interesting question. If you could only have 1 of the 3 for the rest of your life which would you choose?

    This is a hypothetical scenario, so questions like ,"what strain of weed is it?" are unnecessary. Just imagine either the best weed, or the best music, or the best women.

    I think it is an awfully tough question. Right now I am leaning toward choosing music but that is not my final answer.

    so what is, folks: weed, music, or women (men)?
  2. Weed.
  3. Definitely weed.
  4. :smoking: mary jane :D

    Good thing we get to have all 3 ;)

  5. women of course

    weed is great and all but I gotta quit for the Marine Corps, I been smoking alot of weed, and i love it, it motived me to join the USMC, even if it meant quitting, It has got me into the habit of running, and got me and is getting md into good shape, I'm planning on quitting soon, because I don't have much time, I'll miss mj.

    Music well I listen to alot of it, but between that and women uhhh iono bout you guys but sex and bjs are great, especially when you're high lissnin to sick ass beats
  6. I would say weed.

    I could recreate the other two, but there is no substitute for weed. Well, not any that are good.
  7. Women. I just like fucking more than I like weed, and way more than I like music. What can I say?
  8. Women easily.
  9. muussiiccc 100%...

    beats and lyrics for all my moods.
  10. Weed by far :).
  11. Women, because yes they can be a trip but the good things they bring include the left over 2 options.

    -She can make my heart sing (not to mention my private parts)

    -She can make me higher and feel better than weed could ever do.

    -SEX, LOVE. =)

    what else do you want?
  12. well there are other drugs i like way more than weed so thats not an option

    music, i can sing (not great, but well enough) and think of music, so i guess that takes care of that

    i guess that leaves women. ill take women. and lots of other drugs/alcohol.
  13. Women. For sure. It's a friendship aswell as intimacy. I couldn't live without that.
  14. Music because nothing gets me higher than the dead.
  15. weed bruh...
  16. Women. I'd make my own music, and as for not having weed? Well I'd find something else. Life without women would be a boring life indeed.
  17. weed dude, there is literally nothing else like it, as long as i had bud i'd be content
  18. wimins fo sho!

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