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weed mixed with crushed mint.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Moore Kush, Nov 22, 2011.

  1. Anyone ever done this?

    It tastes incredible, and is amazingly smooth.

    Makes my buzz harder too I believe.
  2. I've done it... mint was good, it was like menthol bud. My personal favorites would have to be damiana or green tea.... both incredibly smooth and taste great.
  3. [quote name='"HelpDesk"']I've done it... mint was good, it was like menthol bud. My personal favorites would have to be damiana or green tea.... both incredibly smooth and taste great.[/quote]

    I just recently heard about this whole "adding tea to your weed" thing. Do you basically roll a spliff but instead of tobacco you use tea?

    Also is crushed mint something I could find at say my local Whole Foods or Fresh Market?

  4. This might be true, I wouldn't know. But do you have any logical explanation or theory as to why this is dumb? If it's not unhealthy, and it's improving the taste and overall experience to some people, why not let them enjoy this?

    - Serenity
  5. else can someone get a superiority complex going if they don't blindly make statements like that?!

    You can add dried mint or cloves - there are plenty of folks who do that with tobacco as well. Some people claim mint makes them feel relaxed, but I haven't messed with it. I prefer weed by itself.
  6. sounds interesting mint bud woooooo
  7. I would so dip my weed in chocolate, let it dry then deep fry it, then let it dry then toke like boss.

  8. Hey this sounds like a great idea

    Go try it.
  9. Weed mixed with crushed mints? Sounds stupid, not to mention nasty, as well.
  10. [quote name='"revertkid"']I would so dip my weed in chocolate, let it dry then deep fry it, then let it dry then toke like boss.


    Deep fry would extract thc haha

  11. How do you not know that mint is a plant? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and blame the herb on your behalf :smoke:

    I've mixed weed with various other herbs and peppermint was by far my favorite. Blue lotus was really nice, and added a nice post-yoga-style relaxation effect to the high. Rosemary was good too, it's a bronchodilator and I believe it has a few other health benefits. Mullein is ok, taste isn't great but it's really smooth. Damiana and coltsfoot both flat out sucked.

  12. Fucking face palms imminent.
  13. Dont ruin the moment!
  14. Done it. More than once. Vaped it too. Yummy vape with peppermint.
  15. Why do 50% of the kids on this forum call people dumb for trying to come up with new ways to enjoy their weed?

    Who gives a fuck if someone wants to mix mint or tea or any sort of candy with their weed.
  16. [quote name='"Veggietales"']Why do 50% of the kids on this forum call people dumb for trying to come up with new ways to enjoy their weed?

    Who gives a fuck if someone wants to mix mint or tea or any sort of candy with their weed.[/quote]

    or even tobacco? it might not be your preferance, but you dont have to be an ass about it. btw, i would like to try something like this, but i'd have to check the effects first
  17. I tried this.
    Tasted absolutely awful.
    Well, I suppose I'll just check that off my list of "Weird Pot-Related Things to Do".
  18. People have been smoking mint and green tea for probably as long as they have been smoking weed. ;)

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