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Weed Making You More Productive?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Dr. Dro, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. The past few weeks I have been smoking a lot (3-4 times a day) and I seem to be getting more done than I usually do. College classes started yesterday and right now I am more organized and everything about this upcoming semester. If I don't smoke I'll never get around to doing little things like clean my dorm room or whatnot. The last few weeks though I've been keeping myself busy and I am loving it. I've got my whole schedule worked out for the semester, bought all my books early, got my whole room unpacked, and I'm taking a lot of peoples shift for work, I never took one persons shift the entire last semester and I have taken ~5 or 6 already and I've only been back for 2 weeks!! Now I'm not super baked once I start doing stuff. I'll screw around for an hour or so playing Super Smash Bros. or CoD:MW2 but then I'll just get in the mood to work. It's weird, but cool.

    Anyone else feel like they get more accomplished when they smoke regularly?

    I am dry as of now and I won't get paid again until the 26th, So that kind of blows.
    Hopefully my buddy will let me smoke some with him until I can re-up and return the favor. :p
  2. Sure of course. This sort of behavior is often linked with smoking sativa based strains, which offer a much more head high as opposed to a body one. I can tell you one thing though, it's hard as shit to get anything done when you smoke some indica dominated strain and just chill back watching tv :p
  3. i have trouble getting off the couch when im baked so probaly not, but thats only when im really stoned when im just high i tend to do alot of things i cant be bothered doing sober.
  4. Yer, I'm the same, makes me alot more prouductive on the computer, can be multitasking a dozen things at once, still concentrating on everything and anyone watching is like WTF, even with indicate based strains.
    I also like getting baked n doing a general tidy up around the house.
  5. The most productive thing I have ever done while baked was wash my truck. I'm sorta lazy when I get baked. But I don't get high much during the day either though.

    Thought about going to sociology last night baked but I decided I better not because I figured I wouldn't pay as much attention.
  6. When i get super baked and drink an energy drink i can concentrate so fucking good. haha. I wrote my final exam English paper in 2 hours. thanks to that. =D
  7. I mixed adderol with weed one time during exams one time made me focus like crazy for like 12 hours and after that, whenever I just smoke, I get super productive. It makes me want to study and do homework and if I'm home for a break, I'll clean up the house/ cook some nice food. Its actually pretty awesome
  8. I get high and go to work. Thats how i stay productive
  9. Some of my best test results were from when I was baked
  10. I deffinatly do, one of the first things I do when I smoke is clean my room, it gets to be a mess when I havent smoked for a few days.

  11. I become the laziest sack of shit when baked so I get nothing done.
  12. i hear that :smoke:
  13. I honestly feel like it does make you feel more productive but in reality you are not lol.
  14. eh i dunno, i think if i smoke too much it never helps productivity, but i will smoke a bowl here and there throughout the day from the bubbler to take the edge off. first year of college and training for private pilots license though, flying 5 times a week so that definitely reduces toking
  15. I think of it all like this, smoking weed is a hobby. If your hobby consumes your life and prevents you from doing shit then it's bad. If you use your hobby to incentivize your work you're doin' it right!
  16. I think it depends what marks you are aiming for. If you want like 50-65% then possibly? (probably not) but if you are aiming for like 85+ then no, definitely not
  17. If it's doing something that I actually somewhat enjoy, weed definitely makes me more productive. But if it's something that I hate doing in the first place then weed makes me hate it 10 times more.
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  18. Weed motivates me to make music
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  19. I can multitask like crazy after smoking. Like listen to 2 totally different songs at once and be able to enjoy each one. If I wasn't high that would piss me the fuck off having to hear two songs at once, lol. :smoke:
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  20. Yes smoking makes me mega productive, not sure why but it triggers me to do housework (lol) and I am more focused on one thing so I stick to it with no distractions.

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