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Weed makes you dumb. Defense?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by svr_2008, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. Today I was debating cannabis with my fellow student, and I had an argument for all the topics he brought up instead of one. He told me his friend smokes daily and she was become slower, dumber, forgetful, etc. Now I love weed :)smoke:) but I can't argue that I've seen tons of those slow dumb people that smoke every day and you can see it affects them...for example, they forget very simple things, react slower, think worse, etc. I did not have an argument for this as I witnessed this many times before so I just agreed.

    Don't get me wrong I believe it enhances your brain and life, but I cannot ignore the fact that these people exist. What is a good counter-argument to this?
  2. You've never seen a functioning alcoholic either.

  3. Not really sure what a good defense would be. I notice this too, but for me it's when I smoke all day everyday for a while usually stopping for a week gets my head straight
  4. damn this guy just droped a truth bomb on this thread and completely destroyed it
  5. Our founding fathers as well as many other prominent and successful individuals in todays society such as Joe Rogan and Carl Sagan all enjoyed recreationally smoking marijuana.
  6. People are stupid to begin with.
  7. why thas kind of comments these days if you arew afraid of getting slower or some bs just dont do it
  8. No defense, daily use almost always results in making you slower, less motivated, worse memory, not necessarily a lot but for the vast majority of people a noticeable difference.

    Source? After 4 years of daily use and now starting to slow down, how I realized how much I abused the herb

  9. Anyone who believes this is clearly already stupid to begin with. I've been using every day for about 2 years now, and I was out of shape when I started smoking and I'm now in shape and training in mma.

    It's agreed that cannabis doesn't cause long term damage or brain cell loss... Anything that happens to you as a result of smoking weed happened because you allowed it to happen.

    For example, it's very easy and fun to smoke blunts all day and eat Taco Bell with your friends... However you need to exercise self control and keep all areas of your life balanced. You can't let weed get in the way of your responsibilities.

    Most people in my MMA gym including one of my coaches smokes weed after a rough training session as a way to chill out and wind down... These people are very successful and in great physical shape.

    Nick and Nate Diaz are top UFC fighters who love smoking weed and do it during training.

    I have friends whose lives revolve around the next blunt they're gonna smoke, and I have friends who smoke weed frequently and are nevertheless completely successful people... It is what you make it!
  10. Finding many/most weed consumers who are dumb is only a reflection of the prevalence of stupidity in the population as a whole.
  11. haha im the 2nd smartest person in my class (college of course) and i blaze everyday theres your proof.
  12. I definitely agree with this^^

    When all my life evolved around Ganja, my thougts, my actions, my motivation, things slowed down and it was harder to remember stuff. Once i put my head in a book, started exercising, eating healthier i got all of my previous capabilities back and then some.

    I could be dumb, slow, and forgetful by sitting around doing absolutely nothing and NOT smoking weed just as easily as i can do all that while im smoking weed.
  13. Dude im willing to believe weed makes you dumb but half of us were dumb to begin with so really

    A Wild Weed plant appeared
    Wild Weed used Dumbify
    No effect
  14. She might want to consider having her thyroid checked. Many people use weed as a form of self medication, and have other issues going on, the symptoms of which are often incorrectly blamed on their cannabis use.

    If cannabis makes you feel so much better that you are using a lot of it,you may wish to determine what was wrong to start with that was making you feel so bad.

    Hypothyroidism -
    New York Thyroid Center: Thyroid Disease in Women
  15. I smoke on weekends and every so often on weeknights and find that I'm capable of applying to and getting into every college I so chose.

    Wesleyan is a perfect fit right now!

    Smoking has never effected my grades and they get better each and every year that passes.
  16. (Sorry about the double post but)
    Congrats man! That's awesome!
  17. i beg to differ.

  18. im sifting through the ashes and find no groundscores :(
  19. last year i smoked every day- and finished with a 3.4 gpa, oh and i scored 1900 on my SAT's.
    Tell your bro not to make vast generalizations.
  20. No defense; people this grossly anti-herb are beyond evidence and reason--a waste of your time.

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