Weed Magazines

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by knothead, Jan 9, 2019.

  1. So I have been toking for about 40 years kind of.. I laid off for about 15 years and just recently started back because I wanted some stress release. When I started back I was sure I was going to have all these paranoia feelings ,but I have found out the older I am now, I dont have those anymore. I assume its because I don't care or think everyone is staring at me and knows I am stoned..anyway I went into a book store today thinking I would still see if High Times was still around and buy a issue..To my amazement not only was High Times still there, there were a total of 8 publications that dealt with Pot..WOW it has come a long way. I took some time and looked thru some of those magazines and I was amazed at how far grow equipment has come since I used to cultivate indoors. I sure wish some of this was available back in the day when I didnt listen to the voices telling me" growing this smelly skunk like weed is going to get you busted", I remember being able to smell the stuff outside my house, as a matter of fact Grandma was visiting one day and was convinced there was a dead skunk under my front porch...lol. any way those environmentally controlled grow cabinets are cool as hell, but too bad I now listen to those voices telling me not to do it. Oh well maybe someday the Bible thumping States representatives in my State will recognize they are behind the times and approve personal use and growth ...Thanks to the hard work of many people that have bought us this far to have weed more and more accepted in the main stream..Peace out..
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  2. Welcome back into the fold.
    I never thought it would get this far as when I started smoking and growing it was a felony here in California for just 1 seed and god forbid if you got popped for cultivation.
    Now anybody can grow their 6 plants and not worry at all.

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