Weed made me feel... funny.

Discussion in 'General' started by hhiggins, Dec 30, 2015.

  1. Hi, my name's Hannah, I'm new to grasscity, I'm from a state where marijuana is illegal but decriminalized, so there are no regulations on distribution. I have been smoking pot for about six months now, pretty much daily. I have never smoked any quality less than loud except for today. Usually I buy from a friend of my boyfriend's and we never have a problem, the pot is great, tastes good, feels great, lasts a good while, and so on. Today, I went with my boyfriend to his cousin's house and smoked two joints of their grass with them. We were discussing price and it was really cheap. Right off the bat, I noticed I started to feel really light headed with a slight buzz. I got up and sat on my boyfriend's lap and the room started spinning, I was really dizzy and I started to get a migraine. I sat there for a few then asked to leave. I started feeling really sick at my stomach and dizzy. My heart was racing and my high anxiety- which is usually relieved by smoking pot- skyrocketed. I was panicking, and shaking, I wanted to cry and I felt really sick. My boyfriend told me it was because it was mids, but I don't think mids should make me feel like that. He mentioned something about the shake maybe being fake, but I've also smoked fake before and it just gave me a little headache. I was worried about it being laced with something, but I don't know, what do you guys think?

  2. It might be an anxiety attack induced by the THC or a result of low blood sugar, this can be calmed by magnesium, chamomile tea, and some snacks.

  3. #3 Jane_Bellamont, Dec 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2015
    Yep, that's classic weed for ya - and nope, your weed wasn't laced.

    I remember when I first smoked sticky, smelly, pale skunk weed. Instead of feeling chill and relaxed - my heart would immediately start racing, my hands sweating - and I felt I was going to have a heart attack. Immediately, 30 seconds after taking a first puff. I would always try to calm myself down by getting up and doing pushups.. lol. Talk about weed making you lazy.

  4. fucking with that sativa...

    yeah. no. I have never experienced that with marijuana, but hey, we are all different.
  5. It's the stems in mids that make you have a headache , and the rest is anxiety
  6. #6 Cactus Ed, Dec 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2015
    Sometimes that can happen for some people. It did with me. Don't worry about it and don't smoke so much until you have some tolerance. You overdosed, that's all..
    And welcome to GC. Hang around a bit, we need more Bladies.
  7. It sounds like you had a panic attack to me.
  8. this has happened to me before.. I got really dizzy and the room wouldn't stop spinning, I think it's just cause I smoked more than I usually did.

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