Weed isn't a gateway drug... but i kno what is..

Discussion in 'General' started by Badpill, Mar 7, 2008.

  1. Weed isn't a gateway drug, but since I started tokin up I am definitly gona be trying acid and E.

    I have never thought I would try those things before is started smoking but I know why I want to try those things now. Basically the gov has been giving me the wrong idea that weed will ruin my life. So what I did was research how exactly it effected my body.

    Eventually I found out threw my research that E and LSD are also relatively harmless. So i guess you could say the gov lying to me is my gatewaydrug.

    As for touching heroin meth or coke I dont think so....but that doesnt rule out the possibility for a once in a life time experience.

    EDIT: for all of you who think lsd or E is bad for you maybe you should go do some research first before you spread more rumors like weed kills brains cells
  2. In my opinion alcohol is more of a gateway than marijuana... I get A LOT stupider/easily convinced when I'm drunk rather than high.
  3. yeah that's how I've always thought.

    People smoke a joint and they don't shoot themselves with their dads gun or go insane, so they think. hmmm what else have they lied to me about?

    but the most ill try is probably shrooms..maybe acid.
  4. well weed is a gateway drug, it can ruin your life and E fucks up your memory big time.

    and if you think about it you kinda proved youself wrong since before you smoked you diddent want to do those drugs and now you do.

    the gouv isent giving you the wrong info just a twisted vertion of the truth, cos theres some truth behind what they say.
  5. E is bad for you lol. It has meth in it. Lsd can't be good for you either.

  6. DO some more research, bud. They both fuck you up pretty bad even with just a couple uses. E puts holes in your brain. I've only used it a couple times but i already see it taking a toll on my brain, no joke. Its incredible when your rolling off it, but just not worth the damage it does. I dont recommend it.

    Far, FAR from 'relatively harmless' though.
  7. not pure MDMA
  8. Weed is a gateway drug is some senses. The government claims that marijuana affects the chemical make-up of your brain which causes you to take more risks and try more drugs. That claim has not been supported by any widespread scientific study. But marijuana is a gateway drug because it puts people in contact with a) people who use other drugs and b) with people who sell other drugs. Also I agree that when people realize weed is relatively harmless they begin to question everything else that's taught in health class.
    Every drug has some negative side effects, but most can be used in a responsible way.
  9. http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/mdma/mdma_neurotoxicity3.shtml

    I am in no way defending ecstasy, that's just what a quick Google search through at me.

  10. pure ecstasy called MDMA acronym for some chemical like THC isnt harmful to the body at all it doesnt kill braincells and its hard to OD on the onyl way you can die from true E is if you dehydrate

    what people do these days is mix E with meth to save them money....
  11. No no...ecstacy is the name for the pill that you get. the pure mdma is what you want. the people who manufacture pills put shit in it to make more pills with less product.


    And if you were the person who said lsd is harmful, you're a dumbass. Not sure if that was you, but whoever it was needs to get their shit straight.

    edit--alright, it wasn't you.

    Mwayles, get your shit straight man. and the guy above him, too. Maybe it's not goood for you, persay, but it's definitely not bad. I think it's good for me.
  12. LSD is perfectly safe, but I wouldn't try X. Why? B/c unless you personally know a pro ass chemist that makes MDMA, there is a high chance that your pill will be unclean.

  13. MDMA is name of a chemical called Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
    i was just relating it to THC as an acronym as THC is to Tetrahydrocannabinol

    the chemical MDMA is ecstasy MDMA gives you the ecstasy feeling

    as i said befor dealers mix MDMA with meth to save money b/c meth is so cheap to make and they tell you its ecstasy

    and first of all i dont know what your talking about i made this post to prove a point that i did my research and came to the conclusion that LSD and E are both harmeless

    EDIT: you can test if your ecstasy is tainted or not threw a simple test

  14. he didn't say MDMA and THC were similar he was just saying MDMA is an acronym for a chemical with a long ass name just like THC is an acronym for a chemical with a long ass name

    and anyone who says either MDMA or LSD don't have negative effects are crazy. Many people say LSD is completely safe but just because it doesn't hurt you physically doesn't mean you are not being negatively affected. I think some people are in denial about the negative effects of LSD, but I'll even admit that marijuana has negative effects (laziness, lack of motivation, weakened immune system, weakened lungs, etc.)..it's all about deciding if the positives outweigh the negatives.
  15. x is not only cut with meth but also with H and other bad stuff, stay away unless its pure MDMA

    lsd, is relatively harmless when used correctly and responsibly. Dr. Albert Hofman discovered the substance on april 19, 1943, and used it under research for many years. He is still alive today and is a very smart person...

    MDMA has a higher user addiction rate
    were LSD does not.

    one of the laws of ecology states that "in nature there is no free lunch" basically meaning that for every action there is a reaction. Ive talked with many older hippies and they can attest to the fact that everything you do has an impact on yourself.

    LSD, shrooms, peruvian cactus, change the way you think, and view the world and your relationship to it
    MDMA gives you indescribable euphoria (which is why people want more)

    but you have to remember
    Entheogens are not toys, they are teaching tools
    MDMA is not an entheogen, its a stimulant

    as wonderful as they may be they are drugs and you will always come down and have to live with reality
  16. The real gateway to other drugs is the War on Drugs. If weed was legal, you wouldnt have to be in contact with people who deal other drugs. You can apply the gateway theory to any first substance you ever try, since you're going to want to experience another effect sooner or later. Alcohol was the first drug I ever tried, then I moved on to weed.
  17. No pills no powder. Ill smoke grass, tobbaco cigars (not cigerettes) drink in moderation, and one day ill try shrooms. I will never touch a pure chemical.
  18. not all e has meth in depends on what it was cut with theres pure mdma pills
  19. Who the hell said that ecstasy puts holes in your brain? Sorry but if you think that, you are and idiot who buys into soccer mom propaganda.
  20. I don't think this is correct. I do believe that marijuana IS a gateway drug, but this is not because marijuana LEADS to other, harder drugs.

    Lets be honest folks, no one goes out one day and says "You know, I've really got this urge...where can I get some heroin? I just really want to try shooting up." This happens in a process that (I would personally assume) starts with marijuana.

    No one can argue that marijuana is the least harmful drug on the market today (I am defining "drug" as meaning a chemical-based affector of the mind and/or body). I can't say for sure (as I'm sure no one can) what the long-term effects of mild/moderate/severe use of LSD will have on an individual, as it has an individual-specific relationship with all people. Ecstacy on the other hand CAN be awful in the long term. It works by manipulating your serotonin receptors, which do have a hand in governing the emotions (most specifically, happiness). Long term use breaks down these receptors, leaving a person emotionally void of happiness.

    Not really something I'm looking for, so despite its "rave" reviews...I think I'll pass on the X.

    oh and back to the gateway drug thing...marijuana is a stepping stone for other drugs. had i never taken those first 3-liter grav hits, I would never ever ever ever had tried what i've tried today.

    The real problem is that people BLAME marijuana for the problems that arise when people are no longer satisfied by marijuana and start looking for a high that makes them feel really "great" (crack or heroin, anyone?)

    I don't blame marijuana for my trying pills, mushrooms, coke, etc. I thank it for allowing me the insight to realize that while other things may feel good on occasion...there's really nothing better than good ol' Mary Jane.

    Mary Jane: my anti-drug, my first and only true love.

    Stay high.

    when you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself - b.marley

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