Weed is just the best drug out there

Discussion in 'General' started by Jonafro, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. I'm going to mention drugs other than weed in this post. However, it will be general and the point of the article isn't to talk about those other drugs, just to use them as evidence of something else.

    Last night as I was coming down from a high that was not weed induced I made a fantastic conclusion.

    Weed is really the best drug you can do.

    I've smoked weed almost every weekend for a few months now, following a massive t-break I was forced to take, and before that it was basically every weekend too. So the number of times I've smoked is way into the hundreds. Each time is unique and just as good as the last. Sure, sometimes you're not quite in the right mindset to enjoy your high fully, but the majority of the time you have the time of your life.

    Because of this frequency, you can develop a nice familiarity with the substance. Most other drugs you would consider doing (mainly psychedelics for our purposes here), you wouldn't do nearly as often as weed. When you do take them there is this inevitable aura of doubt as to how much you really took or how it will affect you, since it's very unpredictable.

    When you smoke weed, you know exactly how high you're going to get, you know exactly how to act in case you were to encounter someone, if you really had to you'd be able to drive somewhere, and in the grand scheme of things you still behave normally.

    Basically, the point I'm trying to make is that weed is really the easiest drug to use, and the best.

    I'm not really sure how else to end that, it was just an interesting thing I came up with.
  2. I'm with you! Weed is the only high that doesn't wreck your life. I've notice the weedies get along with each other much better the rest of humanity seem capable of doing.

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