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Weed is dyed

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Bakedassninja, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. My buddy has weed dyed more purple and he used purple foo coloring, u think it's harmful to smoke?
  2. It's non toxic go for it
  3. why would you dye your weed..?
  4. I'm sorry but why the fuck would you do that, I wouldn't smoke it, make some edibles
  5. I didn't do it, my buddy did it because apparently it raises the street price because it's more purple.
  6. Your friend is an asshole. If you have good product it speaks for itself. He must get shit if he needs to do this.


  7. This

    And if any of that food coloring was to wipe off on to something he would lose customers and get a bad rap. Shady business doesn't pay when it comes to bud.

  8. If only that were the case...unfortunately, with the current crazes going on, if you have weed that looks purple, it's worth more to the kids the more purple it is...they don't know enough to have a working knowledge of actual strains or true quality...:(

    Kinda like bud is worth more if you make up a name for it and put "kush" in the name...

    Face it...dealers are in it to make a buck...if they can sell a cheaper product as something better than what it is, most will...
  9. good bud sells itself. even if I have bud and someone pops the top on a jar and that danky goodness just reaks I have to get some
  10. #10 Storm Crow, Aug 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2012
    I would water cure it to remove the dye! (run a search)

    Fire changes things- new compounds are formed. Just because something is relatively non-toxic to eat, doesn't mean it is nontoxic to burn- and vice versa (like with tobacco- you can smoke two cigarettes in a row, but you don't want to eat 2 cigarettes!).

    And if he is willing to fake the color, what else is he willing to do? Short-weight his customers? Dampen the herb with soda to add weight and stickiness? Knowingly sell moldy weed? Add certain cheaper herbs (or certain "herbal unmentionables") that have been shown to do damage? Or worse? Here's a few "horror stories" about what has already happened :eek:

    Talcum induced pneumoconiosis following inhalation of adulterated marijuana, a case report. (abst – 2012) Talcum induced pneumoconiosis following inhalat... [Diagn Pathol. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI

    Dust in the wind: the growing use of embalming fluid among youth in Hartford, CT.
    (abst – 2005) Dust in the wind: the growing use of embalm... [Subst Use Misuse. 2005] - PubMed - NCBI


    Too many mouldy joints - marijuana and chronic pulmonary aspergillosis. (full – 2011)
    [FONT=&quot]Too Many Mouldy Joints[/FONT]

    Adulteration of cannabis with tobacco, calamus, and other cholinergic compounds
    (full - 2008)

    Smoke Pot, Get Lead Poisoning? (Germany/Europe) (news - 2008)
    [FONT=&quot]Smoke Pot, Get Lead Poisoning?[/FONT]

    Friend or not, I would find another, more honest and trust-worthy dealer!

  11. dang man. thats is terrible that he would dye it purple to add to his profit margin.

    but the real question is, if he told you this then why did you pick up some?

    i would honestly go out and find myself a new connection.

    this guy is not a real friend. he is trying to make money off you.
  12. Lmao I didn't pay for it.. It's my friend like we've been friends since we were kids, he picked up some pretty dank purp he got a deal, 40 for an e, and that's cheap by us, and then he got some purple dye from the grocery store and dyed it, and now it's worth 60. I just wanted to know if it was harmful for me to burn with him.
  13. regardless of not paying for this pickup, have you ever got bud off him? even once?

    just so happens you were in on his scam today, but tomorrow it could be somebody else.
    and you are the one getting ripped off.

    all i am saying is i have known too many people like this & i never do business with them.
    you are just a pawn.

    but to answer your original question, me i would not smoke it with the food coloring on it.
  14. Nothing new, pretty common among street dealers actually.
  15. yeah, this "purple craze" is actually fucking retarded. just because it's purp, doesn't mean it's even that great of bud. if you need to dye your weed purple, you clearly don't have good bud

    i would NOT smoke it
  16. No guys I've never paid for bud off him, l always have bud and we Match up every weekend and this weekend he had this purp shit. I was just wondering in case we smoked together, it's too late cus I already smoked it Ahahah, it's fine
  17. This is why I fucking hate dealers.
  18. I'm surprised no ones brought this up yet, but you can't dye marijuana buds by putting food coloring on your water. The dye will not pass the root's cell membrane, furthermore putting cuttings in food coloring colored water will yield only a tiny change (hardly noticeable), but not anything like the purple buds grown in stressful cool environments!

    I only know this because i tried it when i first started growing back in 2005

  19. People colour them after harvest by soaking them, or, literally, painting them...;)

  20. hes still an asshole though :smoke:

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