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Weed is a good thing.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Stonedking64, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. I'm in the process of changing my mother's perspective on Marijuana. I am a daily user, living on my own 7 states away from my parents. My mom knows that I am an adult and make my own choices, still, she does not agree with my habit. I am wanting to break down the barrier a tad to show her the positive effects of cannabis.

    If you have any news stories, research articles, or personal thoughts you would like to share please post them.

    I don't like to hide things from my mother as we are very close, so I figure the best action to take is education.

    Thanks GC:wave:
  2. Show her the union.
  3. i love weed it helps me in every way both my rents know i smoke but i have to hide shit from my brother so he wont sell it or smoke it
  4. The union.

    That UCLA study about increasing brain cell stimulation, the report fox did about THC being proven to be anti-cancerous etc.

    But mostly the union.

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