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Weed is a GATEWAY drug, Your opinion?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by LI420, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Lets hear some of your insight on whether or not weed is a gateway drug.
  2. bumpity bump.
    i'd say maybe, but only because it's illegal. it puts you in contact with dealers of possibly other drugs as well, and laced stuff, though really rare.
    so no... i guess?
    this is the only question i don't have a solid answer to if some anti weed guy (namely my parents) was throwing out shit "facts" at me
  3. Only if you let it be.

  4. Seconded! I believe that if you choose to go deeper, you can. I did. It's not like it forces you to try harder drugs.
  5. i think it is not, i think it is within a person to move on to diffrent drugs.

    If you are the type that just smokes cuz its a drug and it gets you high not worring abou much else then ya i think it is, once weed does not get you fucked up enough in your mind you will on....

    So its not really a gateway, people who would otherwise abuse other drugs will no matter if they smoke bud or not
  6. weed itself, definitely not,
    weed is satisfying to me,
    and the thought of messing around with other harmful substances doesnt seem ideal to me,
    I have tripped on cough syrup once but I will never do that again,
    nothing seems to be as enjoyable as good ol mary j
  7. i got this from The Union, although i am paraphrasing it. there is no proof weed is a gateway drug, you can also say that breast milk is a gateway drug to coffee which is a gateway drug to alcohol. it is satirical saying that the connections are ridiculous
  8. #8 evilhoodlem, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    of course it is.... how many people go straight to the harder drug?

    but that doesnt mean it MAKES people do other drugs.
  9. good point :)
    I know for myself that i'll never touch crack or heroin... weed is all i need :smoking:
  10. Sure, it can be. Weed is only a gateway drug because in our country it is criminalized and associated with other drugs. This forces people to have to turn to the black market in which they can easily obtain much harder drugs. It is, however, up to the individual whether he/she becomes another statistic or not.
  11. Yesirr. :smoking:
  12. The gateway effect should have a completely different meaning. Smoking weed is a gateway to opening your mind.

    So yes, yes it can be.
  13. Exactly. There's just a "normal" progression of usage, and because marijuana is not a harder drug, it's labeled a gateway to things like cocaine and heroine. You're parents would never discover cocaine in your room if you're a kid and be worried you might move on to marijuana
  14. I actually just read a article about some study in australia that showed your evniorment,and personality is the reason people go into harder drugs which really is no suprise to any smoker
  15. I completely agree. It's because it's illegal, for the medical users it isn't, and that could have something to do with it being completally legit.

    On a similar note,I would say that mushrooms is proboly the thing that people who do weed tend to at least trt a few times.
  16. I guess it could be called a gateway drug. But it's all your choice to move onto bigger and badder things. Weed itself isn't responsible for you making that choice.
  17. I took a shit once and it felt good, now I'm a gay male who goes to gay bars every night for a fix..

  18. I honestly think that it is dependent on if you have an addictive personality, or a non-addictive personality. I myself have only used Marijuana and Salvia, and possibly Shrooms in the future. I have definitly seen people who smoke alot of weed and move to other crazy shit like coke, and painkillers. Like I said it depends on personality.
  19. Hmm, i smoke weed before i tried acid and opiates but i wouldnt say necessarly that smoking weed caused me to try the others.
  20. the only reason weed would be considered as a "GATEWAY DRUG" is because it is the safest and most generic illegal drug around. Most popular, cheap, easy access, no bad side effects, its a good starter drug for people to get a taste of what it feels like to try an illegal drug. So in a way it is a gateway drug, but WHO CARES??

    like the dude said, after taking a dump and feeling the pleasure from that, I want to try other things that also bring me pleasure through my butt, gay butt sex. Does that mean that pooping is the gateway to gay butt sex? Sure it can be if you go for gay butt sex after pooping, but the only reason it would lead to other drugs is if you let it!!!

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