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Weed instead of medicine - back pain

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by GorgeousSinner, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. I have this really bad back pain and I have taken medicine but it doesnt really help
    but when i smoke weed it does. I do i tell my docotor i rather smoke weed since it helps better than medicine ?
  2. Then smoke weed instead of taking medicine.
  3. Wait - you're saying this as if weed in itself isn't already a medicine? Which it clearly is...:bongin:
  4. just keep getting your pills from your doc, and sell them on the street :D

  5. Weed is medicine man!

    I think you need to move to a new state...
  6. try some Granddaddy Purp or some Hindu Kush
  7. But weed is the best medicine,:smoke: Its not like pills and stuff
    idk how to explain it but I rather smoke weed then take medicine for my back pains
  8. Blah I do, Unless i get my card
    its $300 - 500 to get one in Nevada :/
    so expensive..
  9. I wish i knew where to get that
  10. You just did :smoke:

    ...And use the multi-quote feature, that's what it's there for

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