Weed Inspector

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by greendragonbong, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. So my friend and I went to the jays last home game of the season we had planed on smokin a joint before the game one after and alot of his one hitter at a break in the game. Before we got there we found out that if u leave you can't get back in so we smoked everything before the game and saved one joint for after.

    So we are walking around the ACC and find this corner where wind was at a minimum and I spark the joint literally as soon as I turn around and take the first hit this guy on a bike comes riding towards us with a light flashing on his bike

    He comes up and just says "alright boys I'm the weed inspector what cha doing tonight" then rides off laughing saying " haha I got you boys lol"

    Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  2. entersting, not interesting, enetersting. So exciting it blew my mind, and the fact that this all was written on your ipod touch is orgasmic.

    11/10 for the story
    10/10 for the presentation
    8/10 for the cliffhanger

    You should submit this story to new line cinema.
  3. no story written by man or god can compare to this tale my friend.
  4. Sounds like a guy in his 50's I saw one time at a park. We were sparking a blunt up, he comes around the corner, sniffing, then pops out and goes "UH-OH IT'S DOOBIE TIME!". I love when people see you smoking and don't give a fuck.
  5. Haha nice man made me laugh

    Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  6. uh. what? lol
  7. Thats like SNake from the Simpsons " Wallet Inspector" homer- thats not the wallet inspector
  8. haha just thinking, what if he tried to rob you?

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