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weed--> insomnia ??

Discussion in 'General' started by MixtapeMaf1A, Oct 13, 2007.

  1. a lot my friends pass out after smoking weed....but I dont really get tired,especially when i smoke at night i usually end up staying up late till like 2/3 in the AM just because...well i love the feeling of being high and i love the feeling of the after-high buzz i have

    do you guys sleep earlier/later when your under the influence?
  2. I usually can't sleep when I do METH. Don't know why :confused_2::confused_2:
  3. I never sleep, and if I do, I get like 2 hours a night, but I never really feel exhausted or anything the next day
  4. When my high wears out I ussually feel exhausted, but I never feel tired enough to sleep.
  5. I love falling asleep 1/2 way (or more) through my high... I wake up feeling soooo goooood.

    Usually its when I Don't smoke that I can't sleep :(

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