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Weed in Woodstock..... Illinois

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by acidsoda, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. I'm really new to smoking, and the only times I've smoked the weed came from my brother, who lives like 2 states away. I dontknow how I'd start finding a good dealer. Help!
  2. #2 TrainwreckXxX, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2010

    I'm not saying what city I'm in, but you live RIGHT BY ME.

    I just pm'd you.
  3. The name of your Town is Woodstock.... How hard can it be??
  4. dammnnn, you must be feening brah! you joined the site just to tell us!

  5. I know it's a great name but it's just a shit little town... The biggest thing to happen in the last 5 years here was the new mcdonalds opening and that was the walmart opening
  6. Go to a local park and look for someone. Cops are easily detectable cuz they can't act for shit. Or if the guy who first replied could help you out,go with him.

  7. Plus I think that they aren't allowed to offer you anything, so they try to bait you into asking for something weed related. If you just walk up to the guy and ask what he has his answer will either be

    A. Bro, I got some fucking dank ass weed bro, want some? (Legit)


    B. Hi DUDE, I have anything that you want... What do you want? (Cop)

    Yeah, but seriously. Just try to cruise around looking for some potheads haha.
  8. Yeah I'll just look for the red glassy eyes haha
  9. Look for dudes walking down the street baked. Like me sometimes. :smoke:
  10. Uhh, I can't say any dealer I have bought off has ever described his 'erb as "dank ass"
  11. Goods, high quality, primo, the good shit. All names for dank.

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