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Weed: how much is too much?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by redhead420, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. Before you say "THERE'S NEVER TOO MUCH!" consider it for a moment. Obviously, smoking every day, going to work high, driving high and forgetting to pay your bills is too much. There's also a short term memory deficit over time, and other issues.

    Then again, smoking once or twice a year will never hurt anyone, and may deprive you of the many health benefits of mary jane.

    So - based on your experience, where's the line between pothead and responsible user? Is it in amount? Frequency? Timing? And when do people you know seem to be "burning out"?
  2. If your responsible enough you can decide this for yourself and for me as a college student it changes daily. It's all based on my classes, homework, work, etc. There are so many factors about how much I can/will smoke daily that I can't even begin to get into them. Personally though I've smoked 3 times today so far and will probably end it with one more. I had one class and finished all my homework for this weekend already today as well.
  3. If you smoke everyday, but still got your priorities straight then you good man. But if all you do is smoke all day and sit on your lazy ass and don't do nothin, then you gotta get your shit straight and cut back on the bud a lil. Feel me?
  4. in my opinion there is no amount that is too much.. it is too much when it effects other aspects of your life in a negitive way. like you said, if you are forgetting to pay your bills obviously you need to take a t-break or something. but you can smoke every day and still keep your life together. it really depends on the person
  5. its only too much if its interfering with other aspects of your life in a negative way.other than that toke all day every day:bongin:
  6. Basically this. I'm pretty stoned and I was trying to find the perfect way to word it. lol
  7. if you were exceeding at one point, and lost your grip on succeeding,
    then I think it's time for a longgg t-break.

    if you can smoke and keep your shit together, then thats good.
    I say good moderation is about a gram or less a day if you're gonna smoke everyday, more than that on special occasions and the weekends is totally legit.
  8. When you stop realizing your smoking a blessing from nature and become narrow minded and incoherent in important life changing revelations.

  9. there is no permanent short term memory loss, when you are high that is a different story. but to answer your question if you are in college don't go to class high thats wasting you and your parents money. I usually do it 2wice a week however everyday could work just make sure you do all ur hw or whatever you have to do before you blaze
  10. "Let weed enhance your life, not control it."
  11. theres never too much.

    I was smoking over a qtr a day for a while. It's not like I was retarded all day and didn't do anything. Actually since I was smoking soo much my tolerance went up a decent amount, I rarely got stoned, just a little buzz and a relaxed feeling.

    I quit for a little while, now I'm back to smoking again but not nearly as much (due to financial reasons). Really, I think I'm way less active now than I was when I smoked all day every day. Also I have a lot less social interaction.

    The question you asked is different for everyone though. For some people there is probably an amount that's too much. And for others they don't function well if they have too little.
  12. I would draw the line right around the point at which you choose smoking weed over important things like work, schoolwork, etc. As long as you get that shit out of the way and get it correctly out of the way (e.g. you understand the material) then you can smoke whatever you want. It's really the point at which you stop being a functional member of society that you need to stop smoking so much weed.

    Drawing a physical weight limit or bowl limit is hard because everyone's different...
  13. It all depends on your individual ability to handle it. I know people who smoke a 1/4 a day? and can still function, pay their bills,etc.
    Personally I couldn't see myself smoking much more than a 1/8th a day and still going to work and what not. This is coming from someone who usually smokes a bowl at night to just kinda chillout and the end of the day. Sometimes a 1/8th can last 2 weeks.
  14. Depends on the person

    For some people just one toke can get u hopelessly addicted.
  15. IDK man in high school it made me lazy as shit and dropped out.(could of been the acid every weekend for a couple months.)

    Now i toke up and its like it gives me motivation. When I have a tolerance it doesn't effect me as much just relaxes and makes me happy.

    Weed gets me through the day and its something to look forward to at the end of a busy day.

  16. I think of it like a glass of wine. A bit more refreshing and enlightening, but it's similar. If you take care of things in your life, and keep progressing with no regrets, then you're doing well in general. I don't think cannabis is a drug that you can say "Over 1/2oz a day and you're screwed."

    I know a medical user that smokes almost an ounce a day. He recovered from a heart infection that he was supposed to die from, but his doctors say that if it weren't for his medicine he would have died a long time ago. The universe enjoys these little dichotomies.
  17. If your weed is organized around your life, you're probably fine. Once your life starts to organize around your weed, you've started to fall off the rails.
  18. if youre mature and have even a little self control then there is no "too much"

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