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weed headaches

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by apollochristian, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Anyone know how I can prevent weed headaches? I usually get some really bad ones from smoking sativas. Planning on smoking some indica right now to get rid of my sativa headache, good or bad idea??
  2. Smoke better shit.

  3. thought it mighta been that but all i been smoking lately is top shelf.:smoke:
  4. Hmm... Then smoke the indica. Let us know what happens :wave:

    Also, question: What are you smoking out of?
  5. Drink some water, and eat food before you smoke.

    Get some fresh air :)

  6. youre a big help.

    is there any trace amounts of seeds?

    or maybe fuzzy mildue?

    as that always gave me a headache when i got sold it.
  7. Timothy Leary's advice was good....'set and setting'...don't be stressed out when you start smoking...and yeah, what do you smoke out of?
  8. Indicas probably will take your headache away, so I would definitely try that.
  9. i usually vape my stuff, and vaping some indica at the moment :)

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