Weed Haters

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by StonerKangaroo, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. Does this annoy anyone else? I respect the opinions of everyone, but I live in a small town. We have so many weed haters, people that know nothing of the herb, but hate on it like they know all about it. Appearently around here it's mostly "satanic" or a drug that makes you completely braindead. And most, if not all haters of ganja have never tried it. Idk just one of my pet peeves I suppose. I'm still tokin! :smoking::smoking::smoking:
  2. dont really know what to say, but just ignore them they dont know shit about the herb and aren't even going to try to understand, then let them suffer in this world without it.
  3. Ha ha I agree completely.
  4. Just us marsupials up in here :cool:
  5. Lol man where are you from?

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