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Weed "Hangover"?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PriMo XVII, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Does anyone else get a hangover of sorts from weed? It never happened before, but I quit smoking for over a year and when I started back I sometimes get these weird hangovers from it.

    The next day seems foggy, or something like that, I can't really describe it. I feel out of it, kinda off, I can't concentrate or do school work.

    This happen to anyone else?
  2. Yeah, its a surreal, dream like feeling. its trippy.
  3. Happens when I first start back off a break or do not smoke on a regular basis.

    There are lots of posts of these lately, seem like everyone is getting them lately.
  4. I usually toke in the late evening ...the next morning after a very good nights sleep, I have a sort of pleasant "hangover" that seems to help me read with a greater perception of the text before me.
  5. Kindof. But it feels good. Total opposite of a hangover.
  6. Yeah I get that if I go to sleep when I'm at all high. I've found it generally goes away mid-moring, and working out really helps.
  7. I used to get that alllll the time the first couple months I started blazing. It's a strange feeling... almost as if you're still in your "burnout" stage of the high.

    You'll get over it.
  8. being burnt out the next day is pretty common
  9. I always feel like I have a mild buzz the morning after, and it's pretty awesome.
  10. Smoke everyday and you won't have that problem.

  11. I'm in college and living in a dorm.

    Not gonna happen, unfortunately.
  12. I call it the second day stupids. I don't get it as much as I used too, most likely because i've been smoking more often but when I first started smoking I always had the second day stupids.

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