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Weed hairs?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by xsmellytacox, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. This sounds really gross, but sometimes when I get weeds there are really fine HAIRS that are INSIDE the weed. Like when I break it apart, i will find one. this happens only very occasionally though.
    Wtf are these hair things? Is it part of the weed, or did some kind of animal run around through the weed plants before they were dried? :smoke:
  2. The world will never know.

    and I have a feeling this question should be in the apprentice tokers forum
  3. WEll. It depends on what kind of hair your talking about. If its human or animal hair then thats probably not going to be your best weed but it shouldnt hurt you if you accidently smoked it. Unless the animal had some sort of desise. But if its real goood dank then it was probably grown indoors and if it was outside they had to watch it over really good.
  4. uhh. bro stop buying mexican brick weed.

  5. :confused:
    It's not mexican brick's some decent mids I got hooked up with. I was just asking this question because I have seen it before in really good buds...I was just wondering what the fuck it is lol.
    I'm sorry if I put this in the wrong place.....I have never visited apprentice smokers because I've been smoking for almost 7 years now.....I didn't think I was apprentice lol ;)
  6. bro please post shit like this in the apprentice section..

    edit: ... jesus.... the hairs are a natural part of the bud how does a stoner not know this?
  7. .........I am not talking about the tiny little hairs. I am talking about a long ass hair, like a centimeter long.
    Jesus, sorry to offend you people :/
  8. Dude, hair??? what does it look like? If it's redish/orange looking then that's a part of the bud...
  9. well this isnt the right place to be posting things like this, and if the hair is orange and part of the bud, dont worry about it its natural.
  10. #10 ADIV, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2010
    I've never seen this, but I haven't been smoking for 7 years either :) I really doubt it's part of the plant, but if it doesn't hurt you then who cares?

    Also, you people really need to light a J and chill. He clearly isn't talking about the orange "hairs" on good bud, and why should it matter so much that this isn't in the apprentice section?
  11. I smoked half a bowl of just weed hairs. It was awesome.
  12. Does it have normal hair-like qualities? Like, does one side clearly have a root attached or what?

    Does it feel like hair?

    If it doesn't feel like a normal hair, then odds are it's just a fiber from the plant. They're very common.

    You should post a picture of it, though. Until then these are only guesses.
  13. Sorry people I didn't realize this was the wrong forum. Please forgive me I am very stoned :)
    Haha I just smoked it anyways.....I think it might have been a cat hair that got tangled in my weed, because my cat gets her hair everywhere. there is no way that one of those hairs grew that fuckin long.
  14. Stop Petting your cat before you touch your weed :laughing:

  15. haha how did you do that??

  16. I can't stop petting her, she's cute and climbs all over me :smoke:
  17. if the hairs the OP was talking about dont look like this, than something fucked up. This is how weed hairs look:

  18. It was white/clear-ish. and kinda wavy. i was just confused because it was intertwined in the weed, and i could pull it out and it was like 1-1.5 cm long!
    then i became very stoned, couldn't stop wondering about it, and created this retarded thread lol :smoke:

  19. Yeah it wasn't like that. It was a very thin hair. Most likely from my kitty cat...that somehow got INTO the weed...magically? :(
    By the way, that picture scared the crap out of me, it suddenly loaded all gigantic on my computer, looked almost like spiders for a second :eek:
  20. well damn, you should take it out if its an actual hair LOL, classic. Even if you smoke it you wouldnt notice, they dont make any taste, ive accidentally smoked probably countless hairs without realising, we all have.

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