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Weed essay *quick help :(*

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by newbstoner, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. So, being dumb I put off an essay for my health class. It's due tomorrow. It's about marijuana being bashed by the media and how it's not all that bad really. I was going to look for things that the news and such say to bash it and then disprove it with real facts...

    Can anyone help me out with this?
  2. If this is a research paper you might want to find more of a reliable source then GC.

  3. It's not much of a resource paper, I plan to bs what I can't find on here... I'm not too terribly worried about the class, just need to get it done.
  4. #4 DriftingApart, Mar 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2012
    Then why the hell are you on the apprentice tokers section (where you most likely won't get any viable information) wasting time you could be using to start researching; you know what you have to do to write the paper..stop creating excuses and just get it done.

    I've written the bulk of papers for college (15 pages) in one day, you can write a few page paper for your freshman health class if you put your mind to it for a few hours.

    Option 1: Look up Granny's list and use some of the medical articles as authentic sources for your paper, if you're capable of comprehending them and paraphrasing them successfully.

    Option 2: type in "marijuana", or "cannabis" (perferably cannabis) in or and start weeding through the information, possibly making some notecards and organizing your thoughts.

    Remember to paraphrase all of the information you take down unless it is a direct quotation. If you want to make an easy workcited, go to EasyBib: Free Bibliography Maker - MLA, APA, Chicago citation styles

    Option 3: stay on here wasting time until 2 hours before you go to bed, and then copy and paste shit to a word document and make an 'essay collage,' citing nothing because you like to take your chances with plagiarism and its implications. Tell your teacher that pot gave you the creativity to go that "extra mile."
  5. Look up grannys 420 list, or just wait for her to come! Btw granny is a nickname for the username StormCrow I think so send her a message
  6. GRANNY SAVE HIM QUICK, first link in her sig!
  7. Dont be "that guy"

    Find a better topic for your school work than marijuana.
  8. [quote name='"DriftingApart"']Then why the hell are you on the apprentice tokers section (where you most likely won't get any viable information) wasting time you could be using to start researching; you know what you have to do to write the paper..stop creating excuses and just get it done.

    I've written the bulk of papers for college (15 pages) in one day, you can write a few page paper for your freshman health class if you put your mind to it for a few hours.

    Option 1: Look up Granny's list and use some of the medical articles as authentic sources for your paper, if you're capable of comprehending them and paraphrasing them successfully.

    Option 2: type in "marijuana" in or and start weeding through the information, possibly making some notecards and organizing your thoughts.

    Remember to paraphrase all of the information you take down unless it is a direct quotation. If you want to make an easy workcited, go to EasyBib: Free Bibliography Maker - MLA, APA, Chicago citation styles

    Option 3: stay on here wasting time until 2 hours before you go to bed, and then copy and paste shit to a word document and make an 'essay collage,' citing nothing because you like to take your chances with plagiarism and its implications. Tell your teacher that pot gave you the creativity to go that "extra mile."[/quote]

  9. inb4 Granny :)
  10. scratch that idea ull need more than a day

  11. The topics we had to choose had to be drug related, so there are 10 other kids doing marijuana with me...not that guy :)

  12. I wrote my grade 12 research paper on the legalization of marijuana and passed it, what are you trying to say? :confused:

  13. That you are "that guy" :cool:
  14. watch the union and take notes. Yeah, the union is propaganda, but in favor of weed. Bout time it went the other way :)

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