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Weed Drink

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by HxCBlazer, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. What is the best drink to mix weed with?
    How much weed do I need?
    I hear tea is great.
    I'm a little tired of smoking and wanna try a different approach.

    Toke On...:smoking:
  2. Remember that THC is fat soluble, aka it won't dissolve in water.
    Correct me if I'm right though people, I'm sure I've heard of weed tea.
  3. well, what would be better to say is that THC is NOT water soluble lol. But yeah, if you make herb tea, mix some tree in the teabag with the tea [undo the staple at the top a bit, pour the herb in there, reseal it either with a string, another staple, ect] melt some butter and pour it in a cup, and pour hot water into the cup with the butter and mix in the tea bag. I think thats how I remember doing it.

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