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Weed changing appearance?!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CraZiY, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Hey all, whenever I have more than one spliff and look in a mirror I look REALLY ugly and feel really insecure about how I look. Now, I know obviously you get redeye and "*****" eye that makes your eyes look thin, but i mean I feel like my whole face kinda changes. Could it be a reaction to the weed, thus changing my face or what. Maybe it's just ALL in my head?

    When I am stoned I'm almost 100% sure its my actual face!

    Anyone got any ideas? thanks.
  2. no...smoking marijuana does not change your face.. exept for maybe turning your frown upside down :)
  3. paranoia. a common weed side effect. no worries weed doesnt change your looks haha

    try taking a picture of yourself high, and then looking at it sober. you'll see :D
  4. haha sometimes when I get too high my left eye will get lazy/droopy. It's pretty embarrassing, but in general I don't think weed actually changes your appearance, just how you see yourself.
  5. when i first started smoking and i would be staring at one of my friends all of a sudden i would be like holy shit his face looks completely different i guess i never really looked at him. clearly its just the weed....
    it was kinda like how when you are listening to someone speak or your just really far a way and you cant really see there face your mind starts to make a picture of what they look like. and then you see them and its completely different than what you thought
  6. Thanks very much for the reassurance, next time I will take a picture haha! :p
  7. Whats wrong with ugly?:confused:

    Not that I, a handsome playgirl centerfold material type guy, would know what ugly is....:p
  8. ive noticed that a lot of time when im really stoned, people look really funny. like wierd as hell, ill see flaws in hot girls that i thought were flawless... weed opens your eyes to really small details that you often overlook, therefore your gonna be more insecure about your looks...
  9. it sounds more like you have insecurities about your appearence, and those possibly subconscious feelings become more appearent to you when you're high. but weed doesn't cause any physical changes to your appearance
  10. it relaxes your face muscles
  11. Well yeah theres the red eye, but depending on your type, your face could always get kinda pale, or even kinda red.
  12. Shit, since I started smoking I've looked healthier and MORE alive than ever
  13. My eyes go on slant, really bad usually, turn pink on my lids, and my face usually pales up a bit too.
  14. Some people look like creeper when there high. One of my friends eyes like slants and curves so it looks like one eyebrow is always up. Anyway its pretty funny. Its probably just being paranoid.
  15. yeah you look might look a little different when you're high. especially when you're looking at yourself, you will seem a lot different. it's just a subtle change in expression tho, nothing bad or permanent.
  16. yeah, I actually know exactly what you mean.
    I went to school high one day high and after one of my classes I went to the bathroom; when I looked in the mirror I was completely taken aback at what I saw.
    I appeared to myself as....ugly.
    It was like my complextion had changed so that my skin looked like it was a different texture and the coloring seemed to be off as well.
    I dunno, maybe it was just the lighting......
  17. #18 Cat Man Do, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010
    This happens to me all the time!!!
    What the hell! :confused:

    Weed seems like it distorts your visuals a bit, maybe that's it??

    If I get really high and then go to the bathroom I can spend minutes just staring at my reflection and thinking how weird I look. It's messed up though because I've seen pictures of when I'm high and I look fine... so it must be all in my head?
  18. Nah bro your just like trippin a bit. Maybe your eyes get droopy but other than that it doesnt do much to your face
  19. haha way to go man..

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