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Weed Causing Cancer?? :(

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by johnkasey, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Ok, so maybe this is a really dumb question.. but anyway i thought weed didnt cause cancer? my brother sent me a txt saying i should cut back cause i started smoking several times a week, and i tried arguging that 0 people have died from weed and he said that smoking ANYTHING, even your own pubes can give you cancer and emphysema

    who is right? me or my brother ?
  2. theres arguments between reports of the DEA and pharmaceutical companies and other independant studies that marijuana has cancer causing carcinogens...

    However, almost all of the independant studies are constantly putting out new reports of all the good things marijuana is for, including anti-cancer properties...

    I would never trust a word the DEA or pharmaceutical companies say, because if marijuana is legalized, they stand to lose LOTS and LOTS of money.

    I like to keep my sources as unbiased as possible...

    also i would like to point out, its never actually been proved if somebody has gotten lung cancer or some other type of cancer from smoking going to say you cant get cancer...
  3. There's always the chance. With weed it is a low one.

    Smoking bowls of your pubes though? Apparently hair contains sulfur, which does good damage if you inhale too much.
  4. I am not an expert, but putting smoke into your lungs, especially hot smoke is not going to be good for you. People say vaping is much healthier. I would say your brother is right in this matter. I do not believe weed causes cancer, but because you are also smoking many other things besides weed. Who knows if someone sprayed it with something to weigh it down, what fertilizers and chemicals it was grown with also.
  5. Smoking anything is bad for your lungs, but it won't cause cancer. The reason smoking cigarettes is so bad and can cause cancer is because of all the extra chemicals added and the radioactive chemicals added.
  6. No, there is a very very low risk from just smoking weed. Although, yes, smoke is smoke, and smoke is bad for your lungs, cannabis smoke is not as harmful as other kinds of smoke.

    Dont smoke tobacco, no blunts, no spliffs, none of that, THAT is what causes cancer.

    you may get something from the CHART(table) on this page Annual Causes of Death in the United States | Drug War Facts

    oh and WATCH the movie in my sig, ALL OF IT.
  7. nobody has ever gotten cancer or black lung from weed so no, but i am sure its not good for your lungs, like u said inhaling any smoke is bad, but u wont get cancer, without tobacco. (had 5 members of my family die from tobacco)
  8. THis would all make sense...IF the smoke did not contain THC. THC promotes the dieing off of cancer cells. So much so that even ciggarettes smokers who inhale the smoke laden with thc have been shown to have a lower incidence of lung cancer than those people who only smoke ciggarettes. I find it funny that people need to ask on a stoner forum about weather weed causes cancer...if it caused cancer wed fuckin know it by now everytime we turn on the tv and from people who are actually credible.

  9. This. THC tends to stunt and even in some cases reverse tumorous growth in the body.

    Technically, everything causes cancer, because cancer is just cells dividing too rapidly, also known as the reason we're still alive. Breathing "causes" cancer because if you weren't breathing you'd be dead and you cells wouldn't have the ability to divide anymore.

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