So, I love the herb. It feels great overall and makes things more entertaining and sometimes easier to focus on. I'm not gonna really detail why I like it though because I'm sure you already know. However there's one problem.. and it's odd because sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't, but it usually does.. and it doesn't matter which strain I'm smoking really. Of course smoking alone would get rid of this problem but I generally prefer to smoke with people. Anyway, what happens is I sometimes find myself going all quiet. I mean, I'm a somewhat quiet dude sober, but being high tends to take it to another level. It isn't a social anxiety type deal because I don't refrain from speaking because of fear of judgement from people around me, or anything like that.. It's just that I don't know what to say. In a casual conversation two people bounce back and forth with small talk and what the fuck ever.. Fairly simple task for most, right? It's strange because when people do this, they generally don't think about what they're going to say (if they do it's very little) before they actually say it. However when high I naturally try to think of a response prior to speaking, and I come up absolutely blank. It leaves me to only say "yeah" or something like that. Not much fun eh? Again, it's not like I come up with something to say and then toss it aside with thoughts like "no, that's stupid". It's that I just draw blank all the time. My mind calls for a response yet none come. And it become difficult to initiate conversation because again, I'm naturally inclined to think of what to say, and again my mind draws absolute blank .. This leaves me tempted to just back away from the herb as much as I love it and as crazy as that feels to say.. Just because it becomes socially straining when you decide to smoke out all day and you end up quite because of it for so long. Getting high is still fun as fuck even with this drawback, but it's just so confusing to be honest. It's odd because this happens even if I get drunk Hm.. Does anybody else find themselves in similar places when they get high? I'm assuming there really isn't a "fix" for this, but I'll ask anyway.. has anybody gotten over this problem?
I'm the same way and there's a reason for this. Weed chills you out and mellows you out. It makes your thoughts get creative but doesn't necessarily make it easier to communicate them. I've said this in multiple threads: There's a reason weed isn't the party drug that alcohol is. Anyone who tries to act all talkative when high is immature and just looking to act out. To avoid this problem, you have to realize that weed is not the end-all cure for everything. If you're going out one night, don't smoke before or smoke and drink to counteract the mellowness.
I have this problem too. ESPECIALLY when I'm high, conversation just doesn't flow for me. I prefer to smoke alone
i think i gotten over this problem. i was pretty much what you described as yourself, but i think my problem was that i thought about what i was saying cause i knew i was high, but now i dont care if people know/think im high so i just say whatever on my mind at that moment. i mean your mind cant be completly blank. you gotta be thinking of somthing
I actually talk a ton when I'm high but that's usually when I'm really high and lately I've gotten good about controlling it and telling myself to stfu because I'm probably annoying everybody.
take a risk and say some bullshit. i've been drunk and high, said some dumb bullshit and my friends called me out on it. and two seconds later, we're in a deep conversation. quit worrying, and just talk. if you can't talk, then you're socially inept. if you're socially inept then you suck. get it right. be sociable.
What's wrong with having a little time for quiet contemplation? I happen to love that aspect of smoking cannabis. What you described happens to me all the time. For about an hour after toking, I can talk a blue streak. After that, though, I tend to get very quiet. I have other toker friends who are the exact same way. I think it's just typical of toking regularly.
Try getting high with the same people for a while so you get used to them, its alot easier to have flowing conversation with people you're more familiar with. Especially high; in most cases at least.
i go through various phases and this was/is one of them. no worries, often these things are very dependent on your current state of mind and where you are personally. it may be a thing that sticks around or that shows up every now and then, but i wouldn't worry about it being a constant thing. and also, who cares if you're quiet? many people (myself included) need to hang out with themselves for a lot of time in order to function. introversion isn't a bad thing!
That's exactly why I prefer to smoke alone... If i get high with friends, I stop talking. Period. Like I'll say one word answers and shit, but I won't get involved in the conversation. I'll just like mellow out and kind of ignore the current environment. I don't want to say ignore per se, but you know what I mean. I kind of get lost in my thoughts and my communication skills fail. I smoked with a friend and some of his friends one time and holy shit I've never been so... I don't even know how to describe it. We smoked in their car and from then up to an hour later when I left, I didn't speak a single word to any of them. Extremely bad vibrations, I nearly had an anxiety attack or something, so I pulled out my notebook and started writing and they called me rude for paying more attention to my writing than them, which it was, but idk I get this mindset when I smoke with a group of people. If I do smoke, it's usually with one other person. Depending on the individual I can keep the conversation going. Like a few weeks ago I payed my dealer ten bucks for a dimebag and he picked me up to watch a show and smoke. He brought a gram (Half for him, half for me) and we almost smoked it all that night since I couldn't bring any back with me to my dorm. Well, we catch up a bit then start toking. I felt like there was no connection between us because I tried to converse with him, but he wasn't really thinking at my level. I had to keep explaining words I used and re-wording what I said and eventually I just gave up. Whenever he tried conversing with me, I would always follow with a bunch of questions. Stupid questions, too. I've known this guy since second grade and he knows I get all quiet and shit when I'm high, so I feel comfortable around him, but we're just on different wavelengths now... I really tried to talk more to him, but idk Then this past week, I hung out with my other buddy. We smoked, copped some bud, smoked some more and then played guitar. Very limited conversation was involved and I ended up chilling at his house the whole day. sorry for rambling, but I could just relate to the OP. I've smoked alone since I started toking so it's definitely a problem to where it's affecting my social life, since a lot of people meet others through smoking. I stopped smoking for like a month at the beginning of the year and it really helped with my anxiety. I felt confident around other people and didn't always dread situations anymore. (Like instead of saying "I can't wait to go home and smoke" and rush to get it over with so I could light up, I would just do things more thoroughly since I wasn't rushing myself to go smoke.) Don't know if I'm making sense and this is turning into a mammoth post, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to stop toking 'til you got this shit figured out. That's what I need to do, too. Good luck man
This, exactly. It doesn't matter what if you're saying is immensely enlightening, or completely idiotic, as long as you say everything with confidence (such as nonchalantly pushing it off when your friends say something that sounds cutting and direct towards you) then you'll be able to think of things to say off the top of your head more fluently, and with practice everything improves. Mogwai, you sound a lot how I used to perceive social situations, I used to notice that weed would make me the 'quiet stoner' type because naturally I'm an analytic person and have discretion with what I say, and getting stoned would make this trait even more present to the point where I didn't want to say anything that was out of place because I would disrupt the balance of the conversation by sending it off on a tangent or people would interpret what I'm saying differently than I would expect them to because of being high. At some point, I realized that the people who I am constantly high around, I act the same as when I am normal, which made me wonder why I wasn't able to do the same around everyone while I'm concurrently high. By letting my sober confidence shine though my mask of being high, I say what's actually on my mind without saying absolutely nothing or something that a cliche pothead would mutter, and even if I do get called on for being high I just politely (typically sarcastically) decline, as I would do if I was sober.
Talkings a little overrated anyways.. I'd rather kick back and take a trip through the psyche listening to some good tunes than hear the bullshit than other people have been up to.
When I smoke with my ONE REAL FRIEND, then there is no way that I would think: What to say to him... lol.. when we smoke, we always have mad fun times, and we only see from time to time, rarely.... I think if u are having these problems while smoking with others, u might just not feel comfortable with em and thats why it happens. I for example in school, when im sober, dont know what to say around people, because first of all: I dont know them so good secondly: I dont even wanna bother and waste my time.
I mean... I pretty much only smoke with close friends except at parties. It's not that I am uncomfortable around them
Damn dude I'd love blazing with you The people I've smoked wwith are usually dumb mother effers But sometimes ill have a good sesh with certain people who are more intellectual But when I'm smoking I never say a God damn word until I'm done and.put everything away And ill usually wnt even say much Me and my buddy were exactly the same We'd be packing the bong..smoking...pack and pass...smoke and so on And we wouldn't say a word to each for like 5 -10 mins Just very very small talk like 'small or fat bowl" and a simple response like " small dude " It was never awkward and he'd feel the same But when it came other people I just felt like a loser cuz I never contributed to combos I'd just sit there and just listen