Weed Cartridge/Drug test

Discussion in 'General' started by ryanw1020, Aug 15, 2018.

  1. Over the past six months I have been buying the distillate oil cartridges basically whenever I can find them just because of their convenience. I am aware that people go through like gram carts in days but I can usually make a half g last a couple weeks. But recently I went through a half gram cartridge in around a week after a 2 week weed hiatus and I need a job soon so I was wondering how long that will stay in my system due to it not being flower I have found no data on this matter so I don't know how much a half g cartridge is equal to in flower. I have found some people say its equal to like 4 grams so I thought I would be fine in a week or so just want other peoples opinions.

    btw the cartridge was 95%, its that triplextract stuff so idk how accurate that percent is

    Thanks in advance

  2. 95% thc?? Really??
  3. so they claim yeah
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  4. Damn I bet one hit gets you panned lol
  5. Well, there isn't really a mathematical principle that can be applied when it comes to when you're goin' to be clean from the weed...It is more or less a hit and hope scenario, hopefully 30 days, sometimes less, every once in awhile more.

    Who really knows, honestly.:coolalt:
  6. Half a gram of 95% distillate contains 475mg of THC. You'd need to smoke about 2.5 grams of 20% flower to get about the same. 2.5gX0.2=500mg.
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  7. For some reason, even the 95%+ distillate cartridges don't really get me stoned even if I take like 10 hits. They get me a little high and to a nice level when out and about, but I will get way more stoned smoking a bong or taking a dab.

    OP, Roughly 450 mg of THC in your half g cartridge. Lets call an average gram of flower at 20% thc, so 200 mg per gram. So that would be roughly the equivalent of 2.5 grams of flower in thc percentage. AKA, What Ed said
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  8. Thanks guys for the help, I take it that 2.5 g of flower shouldn't take too long to leave my system
  9. Only a month or two but if you're young, skinny, and active hope for 3 weeks. So that's anywhere from 3 weeks to 2 months, it just depends.

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