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Weed Burns tongue when tasted

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jobless Jim, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Hi Guys,

    Just picked up a bag of Green yesterday. Looks, smells and tastes fine to smoke but when i put a bit on my tongue I got a burning stingy sensation from it. Also crackles a bit when lit. I know the crackling is probably due to improper flushing but does anyone have any idea about the burning. Is it fertiliser or something more sinister?

    Cheers for the help

  2. Do you normally eat your weed right out of the bag?
  3. Yeah that sounds fishy, I'd just stick to vaping it, or even better make edibles with it.
  4. hmmm like half the time :)
  5. Hey dude,

    To be honest I always put a bit on my tongue to taste for anything suspicious. I'm in Ireland and it's become very hard to get really good stuff so I always check smell, taste and chew a little bit to check for grit. I;m probably being a little paranoid but I value my health so don;t wanna take chances.
  6. Thanks for the advice guys. Would cooking or vaping make it safe
  7. In some respects yes. Another option is green dragon.
  8. Sorry for my ignorance. What's green dragon
  9. Oh for the great google machine...
  10. Cannabis soaked in high-proof alcohol. The alcohol extracts the cannabinoids from the herb. Take a half-shot to a shot, and your goneeee.

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