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Weed bits in the stem of my pipe?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by thesutton7, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Hey guys. I just got a new spoon (basically your run of the mill glass pipe) and I have a problem. Most of the time when I've smoked a bowl all the way down to the little bits, those last little nugs get pulled down through the hole into the stem of my pipe. Now this wouldn't normally be a problem, but the stem of my pipe is translucent so it looks pretty bad, and it's gotten to the point where if I suck in too hard on the pipe I get a mouthful of half-burnt bud. Does anybody have any ideas on how to clean out my pipe/prevent this from happening in the future?

    PS I realize a pipe screen would solve the problem but I like collecting resin in the bowl for when I'm dry. I'll probably put one in if that turns out to be the only solution though.
  2. Your bowl will still get resinated with a pipe screen in place. ;)
  3. just keep smoking out of it, after a while your pipe will get all full of resin and catch most of what you pull through.

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