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Weed and the brain?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Rapple, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. I'm 19 almost 20 I've been vaporizing about 0.05-0.1g about every other day to every day during the evening. I used to drink 1-2 beers a night but recently stopped because I feel like I'm poisoning myself (legal age is 18). I have always wondered about the long term affects of cannabis and based on the research the only time you suffer a drop in IQ is if you your a heavy user that started before 15 and carried on into adulthood, and since the brain still is under development up to ~25 I'm nervous.

    I guess my question is, to what extent am I at risk of irreversible damage or is there damage at all?

    Also off topic when ever I vape a sative like Sour D or Hempstar/brainstorm I get really tiered, but if I vape a indica dominant hybrid or even an indica I get a ton of energy? Like what?
  2. Im 19 started at 15 i dont think it effects me in anyway, although you wouldn't notice even if it did. I would say cut that drinking out as much as u can bc that is poisoning yourself, as far as the herb goes dont stress it too much. You are vapeing not combusting so your lungs are thanking you already, if you are really worried wait till your older or cut down a lot. As far as the last part of your post goes i dont understand, try different strains, might be placebo.

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  3. Sour D gives me tons of energy, i bet its not what your dealer claims it is, taking it you don't use dispensarys.

    Sent from my LGLS620 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  4. IMO, Its in the real younger crowd that it effects the frontal lobe heavily, if you're stupid before pot chances are you wont be any smarter. & Vice versa

    Edit: sorry for multiple posts op

    Sent from my LGLS620 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  5. well ive smoked since 13 and done all right in school, just trying to get something sorted before i continue

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