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Weed And Mental Illness

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Uglyboyceo, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. #1 Uglyboyceo, Apr 17, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2016
    I'm not sure If this thread belongs here but If not I will deal with that. I am very new to gc but have smoked for close to 8 years (frequently) and am 23 now. I have always suffered from depression but never had anything diagnosed or showed any signs of mental illness prior to this but at the beginning of last year I had a mental/psychotic break from reality and was hospitalized three seperate occasions for a week each time and diagnosed with bipolar/manic depression and schizophrenia. I won't go into details on my initial episode or things I did during that time unless asked basically because of the fear of being labeled as
    crazy or psycho even though looking back at it all that doesn't sound far off. I have also done lsd a handful of times and some I'm positive it wasn't real acid and something called 2ci and I know that can't create a mental illness alone but could it exacerbate one already there? I have never had a problem that came from smoking weed as far as paranoia or hallucinating until the time of my mental health issues began and smoking gave me a nervous anxiety and just wasn't enjoyable anymore. I was put on depakote abilify and another pill but only took them for a short while and once they took effect I was forced to stop for lack of money and I have smoked more recently and don't have the anxiety really anymore but it's not mid or higher grade like it was before so I'm thinking it's because I'm not actually getting high enough to activate those feelings and I'm not sure if I should stop all together because It has always helped me with depression and other things . I know this is a long one but just wondering if anyone else has any experience with the relationship between mental illness and weed/lsd. I posted this so I'm expecting some less than nice responses but please try to keep it respectful, thank you.
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  2. I also have manic depression so I understand where this is coming from. I have also (forgive me grasscity's rule on not speaking about other drugs) had experience with psychedelics. For me weed tends to worsen my depression when I smoke and can also cause me to have panic attacks. I stay away from smoking most of the time. LSD and other similar psychedelics are known for being able to worsen mental illnesses, however it is also used to treat many of them. Just depending on the patient. There are several new and old studies that have proven that LSD can be a useful aid in treating PTSD and other types of depression--if it is taken in the correct setting. Weed, like all other drugs, is really a touch and go for everyone. Everyone reacts differently to different drugs.
  3. Well I appreciate you commenting at all man so thanks for giving input and wow I didn't even remember that rule so I apologize as well and It's wierd because I have never had a "bad trip" all of them have been extremely enjoyable and enlightening or atleast I thought so but now It just seems to me that all of it could have distorted my perception of reality because there was a period of a week about six months before my episode where I did it three or four days in a row but If I had ever known It could bring something out like that I wouldn't have tried it. Weed has always helped me feel better when depressed and uplifts me allowing me to see the positives and temporarily overlook the negatives and like I said in my post weed has only give me anxiety or uncomfortable feelings when I was on the meds for a while.
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  4. Using anything 3 or 4 days in a row really isn't a good idea. Especially psychedelics since they release large amounts of chemicals and hormones that are naturally stored in your brain. Also remember that while weed may seem to help your depression while you are stoned it can still be bad for your mental health in the long run. In certain cases it can actually worsen depression. You may want to consider not smoking for a period of 3-4 months and see how you feel after that? Weed is great for some people but can be bad for some.
  5. Yeah I completely regret it and don't plan on ever touching them ever again. Honestly I can see your point and it almost feels like that could be the case some time so I will take a break and see because I didn't smoke for like a month and a half and I didn't notice a difference I guess because so much had just happened to make me depressed already.
  6. Recovering from depression isn't a night and day difference that is noticeable. You slowly heal. In every second you are healing and eventually you will get to a place that you think you might feel ok. Once you get to that place it will be easier to move even more forward. Depression is cured over months, years even. There is no pill that will make you feel better in a week or in a month even. It takes time and with patience you will get there. Honestly, being sober is the best way to deal with depression in my opinion. I am here because I enjoy growing marijuana. I dont care about smoking it.
    Hobbies make everything easier. Ive gone through at least 15 hobbies within the last 2 years. Pick one up today. You wont regret it
  7. Thanks man I really appreciate you taking the time to reply with some knowledge like that I know so little about depression and so I can only hope that tackling it with a clear mind is the best way and I love smoking for the good times It has given me but if it is really just making my depression worse over time or bringing out mental illness in me I guess I will just have to tackle it that way and yeah I'm looking into working out and stuff since I have gained a lot of weight over the last year so hopefully that will keep me busy
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  8. Really anything that you can do in your free time. Also for when your mind is drifting wikipedia has tons of information. I always like to keep my mind busy and end up reading wikipedia on topics I'd like to know more about. Good luck on your journey. You can do this.
  9. Crazy I am also an avid Wikipedia-er haha and thanks man I hope so!!
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  10. Anyone else out there?
  11. Everyone goes through ups and downs in life. Reacting to stress is how you control your dramas. Drugs can kill the pain but medicine can relieve the stress. Know thyself and fear nothing.
  12. Thanks for the advice man and I know but unfortunately I will deal with this for the rest of my life so hopefully I can learn to deal. I am getting back on medicine soon so I will see what happens and I just started but I'm starting the process of getting to know myself
  13. That's great to hear you're doing well. As far as the meds issue I would like to clarify; medication, IMO, is the compassionate choice. Drugs, or any variety of pill pushed your way, are a mere way to blanket the issue with a nonsolution to the problem. My advocacy lies with cannabis as the rational medicine to treat any condition in life from just a bit lazy to perfectly fit and healthy. Believing you are broken may lead you to actually be that way.
  14. Yeah I will be on anti psych and mood stabilizers and unfortunately after smoking weed for years since teen years I don't know if it attributed to bring out my schizophrenia already there or make it worse or if my stupid and reckless use of lsd did it (not done a crazy amount of times but back to back) but either way I don't touch anything except cannabis but with the higher grade I have had feelings of anxiety and stuff which sadly might force me to put it down forever.

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