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Weed and growth

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by doctordre, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. I have a theory that smoking weed helps you grow.

    I started growing at 15. I was 5'6". Now I'm 6'1" and 20. Back when I was 15, my doctor predicted I'll be 5'9". My dad is 5'8" and my mom is 5'3".

    I have some other friends who started young like me and grew rather tall.

    Does anyone else have any similar stats?
  2. smoking made my ass finally grow and become more along the lines of a badonkadonk, but that's because i eat like fucking crazy when i'm high.
  3. No. haha i actually quit growing about the same time i started toking. But one time i smoked so much that i swore i could feel myself growing! haha i kept measuring myself like all night but i never got any taller :(
  4. what a coinsidence that you started growing when you were 15. thats right around the same time billions of people started puberty!!! OMG i think im on to something.

  5. Word of the day: Puberty.

    baha yeah man i'm pretty sure that your smoking marijuana had nothing to do with your growth. But i could be wrong.

    We must get millions of midgets high to test my theory....
  6. I'm taller then anyone in my family... 6'1" even like 95 percent of my cousins...

  7. It's all genetics man. All Putnam's square an shit... Dominant and recessive. idk i never paid attention in biology class.


    I'm baked :smoke:
  8. i thought you were a doctor, dre?

    fat as biggie with no pun intended
  9. coincidence as far as i know there's nothing in weed that promotes growing taller.
  10. If weed affected your growth in ANY way, it would probally stunt it if anything. The maximum height you grow is determined by genetics
  11. Im 6 foot 4.

    And yeah.

    And stuff.
  12. I was 6'5 before I started smoking weed at 18. I'm 21 now and....6'5.
  13. nd shit

  14. Craaaaazy Man... This ones going into the books for sure!:rolleyes:

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