weed and grades in school

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by jonahm, Jan 22, 2008.

  1. Alright city, i've got some real disturbing new, at least it is in my opinion. Well i've personally noticed that ever since i stopped the daily toking and made it like, once every two weeks, my grades have gone up, i haven't gotten smarter but my motivation for school just seems like its so higher now. I'm willing to give up weed for a few years to do well in school. I just realized that if i do well in school and get a decent job, i can smoke as much as i want, but if i fuck it all up, ill just be a lazy pot head, with close to no money, and not much of a life. I feel like there is a hole that some stoners fall into, there really is, a point where you just forget about life, you just live for the high, because it makes you forget about your hard life as a stoner, and i decided i would make a good life, then be a stoner. I'm sure its different for all people but thats just me. What are your guys's thoughts?
  2. I agree. I would rather give bud up for how ever long it takes for me to get a good education and settle into a carreer. Then i can smoke all the time and not have to worry about money for bud. Plus looking back ill be alot happier knowing i'm making money and living life instead of being a scrub.
  3. I do well in school then toke. Get your work done then toke up and you'll be fine. School is some rough times, once you land a solid job you could get away with toking more often.
  4. I've always done shitty in school. Just because I hate being there, had no motivation, whatever. Weed just makes it easier to be lazy and not think about school. I'm definitely trying to do better though. Sometimes being high even helps me focus on shit better. If you think you should stop smoking so you can do better in school, go for it. Good luck.
  5. Weed has nothing to do with motivation or any of that. If you're high as fuck and choose not to do your homework, that's your fault man. I've done it myself many times, but I know that it was me being a lazy s.o.b. not the weed causing me to be one.
  6. Theres really no need to 'give up weed' to get better grades.

    In the words of Plato; "All is good in moderation"

    I'm a stoner and I still remembered that shit. See? You dont need to give it up. Just get your shit done and have a nice smoking session afterwards. Balance out your education and your smoking lifestyle, you can have both. If itll make you happy to stop for the sake of your education then go for it but if your responsible with your weed smokign then you shouldnt have any problem getting good grades.
  7. i have noticed the exact opposite.....when i blaze during the school week i find my work to be much more interesting because i forces me to think and when im blazed my thoughts seem much more interesting
  8. yeah man, Gleesac knows whats up
  9. Honestly, I can see that. I dropped out of college after one semester. I had a full ride scholarship. I fell into a deep depression while I was there and retreated into a habit of waking at 2in the afternoon and doing basically nothing but smoke and drink( motly smoke) untill about 4 am everday. That was shitty.

    Now, after quitting for a while when I came home, I smoke just about everyday, but only at night, after work, when I'm at home trying to chillax.

  10. Agreed, if I write essays baked, they always come out half like incredible and half that pretty much has me saying "what the fuck was I thinking?", so I just re-write that part.
  11. it is so hard for me to focus on school if i am high. my essays usually turn out incoherent and homework just seems like busywork. so i usually just blaze whenever im not doing schoolwork. it seems to be a good balance for me.
  12. That's true, I don't believe you have to give one up for the other. However, I think that if you feel you need to, you should give up weed for awhile. I know some stoners who have fallen into the hole and dropped out of school and shit, but even without the marijuana they would have done the same thing. Marijuana doesn't change you, it just makes you who you really are.
  13. it really depends on the person, i get almost straight A's in college and i smoke basically everyday where as some of my friends seem struggle with it much more...just have to pass on smoking for a bit if you have to get something done.
  14. jonahm thats a very good idea man, i definately support that. it takes a strong person and a strong will to do it too so i give you props for that, homie.
  15. i hated school before i started smoking, i still hated it after smoking, didn't change my grades a bit.

    though my algebra 2 grades (worst class) went from an F to a C
  16. I personally smoke weed everyday and still get straight a's

  17. agreed bro it is wat it is
  18. Hell, grass is probably the only reason I finished school. I had some serious apathy problems in school, and getting baked made the work seem more interesting and helped me concentrate. Take that, you ignorant anti-marijuana douchebags!
  19. Throughout my high school career I toked almost every day, and I managed to maintain a 3.6 GPA. Then, in 10th grade, I got busted with a qp of some middies and was expelled from school. I had to get my GED because no other public school would take me. Just goes to show you that the punishments for weed are worse than the weed itself.
  20. I think it kind of depends more on who you are. Personally, I have to get my work done even if it means getting up earlier or working until 3 a.m., I just have to do it.

    If you're a good worker who's intelligent and efficient, smoking won't take that away. If you're a bad worker to begin with, smoking can make you worse.

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