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weed and epilepsy

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by septumus, Nov 11, 2005.

  1. right, background story, i am epileptic. now i have been smoking for quite some time but during this time i have never had a seizure while i was consistantly smoking because i have always taken my pills, they are kind of essential to my life. well, a couple of weekends ago (on the 17th i think) i fucked up and didn't take my pills all weekend and ended up having a seizure. now what happens when i have a seizure is i pass out for a good 10+ hours and wake up very sore and exhausted all around. i had heard that weed was good for epilepsy, causing less or weaker seizures, before but never really thought about it, but its true. when i woke up after that seizure a mere 5 hours later (half the normal time i'm out) i wasn't sore or tired at all, in fact i felt completely normal and could have gone to work right away. i just thought i might share that with you all, in case it helps any of you, i know it sure makes me feel a little better.
  2. damn man. glad it helps.
  3. yea man I have epilepsy too and for the most part I'm under control as long as I take my medicine. I have had seizures a couple times while I've been high so I don't know what that means but I could have been sleep deprived or something too. I've heard that it can help or has no effect. I think its just different for everyone.
  4. I'd agree with you, I have epilepsy, and now have been seizure free for 2 almost 3 years because I smoke cannabis. :hello: And now my life is almost back to normal, now I can actually apply for a license... ya yer not driving if you are having seizures! Though you can lie like everyone else... and say you dont have them.
    I've never had a seizure while high! And I think if you are, maybe that might not be the right thing for you, I've heard it helps petite mal which is what I have more of, and might not do so well against Grand mal's which it sounds like you are having, where you pass out. But then again, it has like, 60 anti-spasmatic and anti-epileptic properties in it, and are now almost regularly known to help mitigate the symtoms. Do what helps! You know your body more than anyone else! :wave:

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