okay i normally don't care about my friends trying out new kinds of drugs, considering i do it myself, but the other night one of my friends was texting me then out of the blue she says she popped half a hydrocodone, snorted the other half (which she said was 4 lines worth, dunno how you can get that), then put some more hydro into a bowl with weed and smoked that, along with another bowl of regular weed, i think. now, normally i wouldn't actually be worried about her, but from my knowledge of her drug experience , she sounded really fucked up. i know much doesn't take her to fucked up, but it was almost like a whole knew level. NOW, my question is, is it safe to smoke hydro? even if it's with weed? of course taking hydro has it's risks, i know that, but i just wanted to know you guys' feedback. and i think the strain of weed she had was called northern lights, if that helps any. much appreciated.
Opiates are safe to smoke. Pills however aren't the smartest thing to do. Since they all have different burning temperatures you never know how damaging it could be to the lungs, and thats not even considering the chemical hazards from all the other filler chemicals besides the HC.
I'm popped, snorted, and smoked hydro's all at the same time and it didn't appear to have any negative effects on me. I'm not doctor though, just going from personal experience. I've popped like 5 and sniffed a couple and smoked some bowls laced with it and I barely even felt it. That was with the 5 mg ones though, which are doodie.
wow your friends are dumb and should do some more reading. snorting hydro wont do anything for you, the bioavalibilty of hydro, and apap are not high enough to be absorbed through the mucus membrane. smoking hydro is stupid also because the vapor point of it will not be nearly touched with a lighter, maybe a torch, and the lungs is an inefficient way for hydro to be consumed. stick with what pills are made for Eating. hahahahhahahah stupid ass kids
I've popped, filtered, and snorted hydrocodone. And yes, I do get the "feeling". I've never smoked it before, but I think it is really dangerous.
Can you please show me where it says that snorting hydros won't get you messed up? People throw around a lot of crap around here and never show any proof. I have done it before and I definitely felt something.... Maybe it's just my mind fucking around with me but I highly doubt it.
eating pills and smoking weed is fine for you. but 1) snorting hydro is bad for you. all that tylenol up your nose would hurt. 2) if you smoke pills ESPECIALLY hydrocodene then you run the risk of closing up and or making the aveoli in your lungs bleed. this causes your lungs to become filled with blood and you die. tell your friend to be smarter.
Haha, when you asked if it was safe to smoke hydro I was like yeah dro is fuckin awesome. Way too stoned