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Weed and Astronomy

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by try1105, Jan 22, 2012.

  1. Anyone else find astronomy fascinating when you're high? Not in like a "oh man it's so trippy" kind of way but actually learning about it and what theories there are for the millions of questions about our universe? I find it quite relaxing to smoke and watch something on the discovery channel. For me it shows me that my everyday problems aren't really a big deal in the grand scheme of everything.
  2. Dude I know exactly what mean. Check out NOVA, shits crazy. Pretty much anything on the history channel will be chill when you're high.
  3. Yeah, no doubt.

    Also love layin out and lookin at the stars.
    Ah the simple things.
  4. I wanted to be an Astrophysicist, but that was dampened by my sub-par mathematical abilities. I love to stare into space, it's the biggest mystery there is!
  5. I feel you man I just got done watching how the universe works on black holes. Pretty interesting stuff, definitely makes me sit down, chill, and just think. Gonna stay on this channel the rest of the day.
  6. I took an anstronomy class back in college, always got stoned before we used those giant ass telescopes. made for an interesting night!
  7. Netflix has some great docs with Stephen Hawking.......
  8. i think astronomy is fascinating even when your not high
  9. I feel like channels like history and discovery have been selling out lately to dumb series like swamp people. ...minus pawns stars. Pawn stats is awesome.

    But yea definately love the stuff those channels show about the universe.
  10. Theoretical Physics! :))
  11. Think of anything I'm sure it happen before somewhere else in space. It's stupid imo who says there no other life out there.. maybe not near but their there.. like humans that special lol
  12. I actually have a bachelors degree (with honours) in physics and am now starting a phd.
    Actually astrophysics and astronomy are top favs of mine.
    Last night actually I went with my cousin and a friend to skyhigh (its an awsome place to smoke) top of the dandenong mountains in melbourne awsome skyline and stars we had epic convos about life and existance on other planets and the universe....until other people showed up (family outing with children didnt think we should smoke in front of them) :)
  13. The whole reason I got into learning about astronomy was one day I got super stoned and happened to turn on the science channel. Wonders of The Universe was on and it was about gravity. It blew my mind. Ever since then I've been into astronomy and physics. Its fascinating sober or high.
  14. Think about black holes and einsteins theory of relativity.
    Black holes which do exist, suck in everything because they use an enormous amount of gravity. Even light. One of Einsteins theories of relativity is basically time is our perception of light. Because light moves at such a high speed we see it as constant. If we were to ride a beam of light it would be as if time stopped in someone else's perspective. But if you were rising that beam, time for you would be different.
    If you are still with me, if a black hole takes in light then is there no time there? No one knows what is actually in a black hole it could actually be a portal. Say you were falling into a black hole feet first and your friend was watching you from a distance. Your body would actually stretch because the gravity near your feet is greater than what it is at your head. Which is basically ripping you apart. If you did actually go through time would me majorly slow because there is no light in a black hole. Because your time is really slow you might already be through the black hole and your friend watching you still sees you suspended in the middle of the black hole because his time is a lot faster than yours.

    From all this it could actually turn out to be time travel. Sorry for the long post. Damn I'm high.
  15. That's part of why I'm glad to have moved back to a smaller city, where I can see the stars a little better. I'd love to get a decent telescope and just sit outside by the field and watch the cosmos.

    Also, I love getting high and going to stumble upon and coming across a giant pic of galaxies and stars-- I wind up just staring at it for 5 or 10 minutes, mindblown.
  16. Astronomy is still incredibly fascinating while your sober. Space is just an endless blackness with so many unexplained theories, timeless nothing basically. It's incredibly interesting.
  17. I have a telescope and I love looking through it when I smoke.

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