Weed and adrenaline... Weedrenaline

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by ThatOneOtherDude, Jul 14, 2016.

  1. Hey fellow blades, cool cats, and stony balonies, today i would like to talk about almost getting caught blazing. I would like your guys's feedback and hopefully your own personal experiences...
    I will start my story... It was the beginning of summer a few years ago and me and a few friends wanted to celebrate by all getting together and hanging out to play football (the american football) at our local field. So we did and it was great, we really only did a few plays and then just played catch. In our group there were 5 people including myself. Jim, Tyrone, Cam, Carson, and ThatOneOtherDude (me). When the sun started to set me and cam had a gram of some no-name dank delivered to the field by a mutual friend of ours and we were going to smoke a blunt. Jim, Tyrone, and Carson weren't smokers so we decided to split and meet up at Carson's house later that night. So me and cam went to our other friends house, rolled the blunt, got a lighter and walked around and smoked the blunt. (it was dark out by this time ) There is something you need to know about my parents. 1, my mom and stepdad are overbearing assholes. That is all you need to know. Anyway i got a call from my mom and she was frantically and quite bitchily yelling at me and asking me where the fuck i was and how she saw the other group of friends walking around and i wasn't there. I was allowed to be out past dark two years ago even though it had just got dark and we were no where near curfew. I immediately lied and long story short she said to meet her at the park about a mile away and that i would be going home and was grounded. I freaked out and told Cam we had to go immediately and literally sprinted for an entire mile to the park. It was insane. Time was going so slow and I felt like i couldn't stop. My movements were purely mechanical and i had to force myself to stop and look back to see Cam like 2 blocks away. So i walked back to him and he was like dude wtf? And he basically said he had hit up Carson and Tyrone and Jim and we were all meeting up at the park. I was so stoned i was freaking out really bad. A minute passed and we all met up and waited. Long story short my parents picked me up and I was so stoned i thought my stepdad's car was a demon and i was in huge trouble. They interrogated me and asked why me and Cam sepperated and i told them that he wanted to talk to me about something and she bought it. Later when we got home my stepdad went to bed and my mom continued to question my story and i was obviously blazed out of my mind. I think she bought it though. But over all it was a crazy ass night... Do you guys have any similar stories or comments?..

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