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Weed after dentist?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ktoke, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. So I just got out of the dentist. I had a file stuck in my tooth from a previous root canal, and they were trying to fix it. They shot me up with a bit of novacane, and nothing else. They did however use a dental dam, so there are a few open holes in my mouth
    Is it safe to smoke? It wouldn't before another hour or two
    The main reason I ask is my mother told me she got dental surgery when she was a teenager, and then the same day smoked a blunt with her friends, and went into a full seizure from it, and she says it was caused by the pot and the holes in her mouth
  2. No dont, a childhood friend of mine once smoked a joint about 2 hours after having root canal surgery, he was killed by a car 4 years later while crossing a busy road
  3. Your friend having a seizure from weed is extremely unlikely. All the holes in her mouth would have done is allow some THC is get into her blood stream. The same thing happens after the THC is in your lungs or in your stomach (edibles). Smoke it. You'll be fine.
  4. Thanks man. It's just one of those things that's been scared into me forever. That and if anyone in a car has weed everyone is charged. It was probably just a story shed tell to keep me away from pot
  5. Did you ever think to ask your dentist ? He doesn't need to know that you smoke cannabis. Usually my dentist gives me instructions on what to do to facilitate healing in the next few days / week. I would ask your dentist.
  6. The car thing really depends on the state and the police officer, and it also depends on whether or not the weed is being smoked or if someone just has it on them and is willing to accept full blame for it.

    Definitely don't worry about smoking it though. it gets into your bloodstream regardless. That's how it gets to the cannabinoid receptors in your brain :)
  7. The only thing to worry about is too much suction with those holes; it can set back healing. Smoke out of something where you won't have to draw as much. Take nice small puffs.
  8. The only thing to worry about is too much suction with those holes; it can set back healing. Smoke out of something where you won't have to draw as much. Take nice small puffs.
  9. I smoked the day I got some fillings done. I'm alive

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