Weapons of Mass Creation

Discussion in 'Politics' started by DrazyHaze, Jul 28, 2010.

  1. If we have the money and technology to create weapons of mass destruction, why can't we use that money to spend it on Weapons of Mass Creation, and create new ways of energy and using resources and technology to benefit us.

    We spend so much money on war and military, but yet we never really address new ways to more efficient energy. Our economy is falling apart from inflation, debt, and false money.

    Banks are closing, and jobs are dying out. The federal system is very corrupt and we need to use the money we have to figure out alternative ways.

    Something like a Resource System or Energy System. Soldiers in the middle east are working for US companies, not for the country itself.

    Our Monetary system keeps our democracy from being a real democracy.

    We need real Change, not the change that Obama says.

    What do you guys think of this? Agree? Disagree? Any proposals?

    America has to change or we're going to fall apart to nothing pretty soon.
  2. Blown way out of proportion. Pessimism is your feul. The country isn't comparable to our southern neighbors so I can't complain
  3. I don't even know what to make of the war anymore; are we even fighting a real war?

    You need to find a way to make the public want the gov't to make a more energy-efficient agenda that's as top priority as the war. The more you do that, the better chance we have of seeing government-run programs dedicate to creating companies that specialize in energy-efficient goods. That'll also open up more opportunity for jobs.
  4. Good point Phill.

    Companies dedicated to better energy would only create jobs, and we would no longer need oil and get our noses out of everyone else's business.

    No I am not a pessimist just being honest.

    We're fighting basically a fake war on terror to get to the oil.

    Part of the reason the countries to the south are so awful is from us.

    We still need change, its evident everywhere.
  5. #5 SouthrnSmoke, Jul 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2010
    Could you explain how please?

    I only partially agree with this. Power companies employ ALOT of people. Given that power companies are the only groups with enough assets to realistically create a cleaner, more efficient source of creating power, then that means those people who were already working for the companies would simply have their jobs changed, or they would be let go, and someone able to do the NEW job would replace them. Its going to be very hard for a long time for an upstart company to replace companies like FPL etc.

    By the way, we already have figured this out. Its called nuclear energy.

  6. I don't necessarily disagree with this, but in some cases companies will allow veteran employees to take classes for those new positions.
  7. Correct, thats what i meant when i said ..

    My point though, was that it wont not really create NEW jobs.
  8. How is the whole 'green jobs' scam working out in Spain?

    You only do a disservice to what might be your legitimate points when you present them weakly.

    Instead of talking about oil companies and banks closing and all that, focus your points in a more clear way.

    Also, we are not a democracy, nor are we intended to be one. We are a Republic.

    A superior argument would be structured about as follows:
    I. Improving our energy technology is vital to our national defense
    II. Our national defense spending is focused on areas X, Y, and Z... but it should instead be more focused on energy technology.
    III. We would be safer as a nation if we advanced our national defense by improving energy technology than if we continued to fight in these wars.

    Ultimately, though, your argument is still weak. You admit that the real problem is the federal government itself. If the problem is the federal government itself, throwing more money at the problem solves nothing.

    Rather, to solve the problem you must kill the beast. And so too we must kill the sort of federalism that currently exists, by starving the beast of funds and cutting off diseased limbs (such as departments that accomplish nothing).

    The best way to advance your argument is clearly to adopt a state's rights position, advocating more freedom from the government so the government can no longer prevent people from freely researching, etc.

    HINT: The liberals don't really want america to be energy independent, because an independent america is a strong america that isn't forced to bow to the every wish of foreign kings. Why, if America becomes energy independent, then America may realized she has sufficient natural resources to be industrially independent and commercially independent! And if America isn't dependent on foreign kings, why, how can the internationalist system spread? How will the nation ever become socialist if it is wealthy and strong?
  9. The wars are real but the opponents are imaginary. The wars the U.S. wages currently are pretty much on ideologies, such as the War on Terrorism. Personally, I'd like to see less government run programs, not more.
  10. I'm not sure how our monetary system makes our non-Democracy less democratic. If anything it makes us more of a democracy because the very existence of fake money implies the Constitution is void, and fake money is used to bribe voters.
  11. WAR IS A BUSINESS. It's as simple as that.
    They don't care about shit. They send condolences out and yada yada yada when soldiers die, but they have other people (soldiers) fighting THEIR wars. Why don't the politicians all gear up and go to Afghanistan? Seriously...

    It's all a game, and we're caught right in the fucking middle.

    This planet... Man... It's a beautiful PLANET, but the organisms that are called human beings are scumbags. We all are. Actually... Maybe not "scumbags", but we are dumb animals...

    Throw 100 of us (rich, poor, powerful, homeless, Religious, non religious) into a gymnasium. Lock all the doors and leave enough food for about 2 days. After that, people will slit eachother's throats.

    We are selfish creatures. And animals don't count for the shit they do because they're non sentient. Plus they HAVE no choice...

    We have no excuse for the murders, hate, racism and everything else we do. No excuse.

    Go to a Youtube video of a band and watch how people flip out over MUSIC. I mean, WTF????
  12. You had me humming War Pigs when I read this :metal:
  13. #13 Senior PoopiePants, Jul 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2010
    Great song! Great fucking song!

    Holy shit - I just actually read the lyrics to the song. He's dead fucking on!

    Ozzy - get your brain back and write some more good shit!

  14. By no means do i want this whole world to change in an instant.

    But i wish we(The United States of America) would do something more beneficiary to ourselves. We spend a lot of time interfering with other countries wars and conflicts, and seem to overlook lots of problems and concerns within our own country.

    Our monetary system just places us in more and more debt, and our inflation can only get so high before it eventually crashes.

    When I said we have made other countries awful I mean that we've invaded other countries and stripped them of their resources for ourselves. Did we really have the right to send in Jackals to try to corrupt Sudam Hussein?

    Not to mention how we've created the ideology of "terrorism" to justify most of our moves and actions in the middle east.

    Any sane person would know we're not in the middle east just for the purpose of "terrorism."

    What I'm getting at is that we should focus on companies and labs etc. to discover better fuel and energy alternatives.

    Nuclear energy exists but how effective is it on a national level at this point? Our entire country hasn't converted to nuclear energy.
  15. #15 Spikoli, Jul 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2010
    because there is no profit in the cure, but there is tons of money in perpetual sickness.

    and to sir elliot: we were supposed to be a republic, but we are a democracy, or plutocracy, or an oligarchy, or whatever, at the end of the day it amount to the same damn thing. one group of people telling another what to do.
  16. You seriously going to keep on saying that Sir Elliot? Does it matter in this day and age? No, if you asked people on the streets, they would say democracy, because there is barely a difference between the two.
  17. they would say democracy because they have been brainwashed. there is a stark difference between a Democracy (mob rule) and a Republic (constitutional rule). But i don't even think we live in a Democracy, we live in an unapologetic Plutocracy. Most people still live under the illusion that we get to choose our representatives (i refuse to say "leaders") every November. The choice has been made a long time before November by the corporations that really run the country. It doesn't matter who's name we put the check next to, because both parties and their corporate whores du jour are totally beholden to the finance princes who bankroll their campaigns. they do not represent main street, they represent wall street.

    "who are you voting for this year? John Jackson or Jack Johnson"

    this is why i may never vote for an incumbent again. if we really "hope" for "change" we have got to start electing 3rd (4th, 5th, 6th) party candidates
  18. Precisely the reason he SHOULD keep saying it.

    There is enough of a difference for the people who founded this country to have wanted to make sure that difference was there. Thus, they did NOT create a democracy.
  19. #19 AHuman, Jul 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 30, 2010
    Hate to say this IMPREPREX, but Geezer Butler wrote all the songs. I don't think Ozzy ever wrote a song in his life... :D
  20. Yep, we cleared that up already in messages.

    Just makes Butler even fucking better. Buuuut Iommi still kicks more ass.

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