weak lungs?

Discussion in 'General' started by GreenGrasss, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. does anyone have "weak" lungs? to be specific cant take huge pipe/bongs hits? i have friends that can take a full bow to their faces and me it takes a bit for me to finish it because i cant really take big hits. And its not like i'm new to smoking from bongs i've smoked out good handful of different bongs with different sizes with percs etc for a while. and no one say its the weed either you cant diss that toronto bud!
  2. Experience and quality of herb go a long way. Since you say your herb isn't the problem, then it could just be experience. Try ripping it every once in awhile, and make sure you move the greens around in the bowl. I use my glass poker to move around my bud when I'm burning it with my hemp wick. I do that so I don't concentrate my flame on one are of my weed, rather the entire greens burn evenly, all my smoke is white and when it tickles my throat I know I took a proper full hit, sometimes I cough like I'm going to die, other times I don't make a sound. I love coughing though...that's when I start to really feel it. :bongin:
  3. I used to choke off the smallest of pipe hits. Then one day i forced myself to take a massive bong hit and not cough - after that I could take big hits. Its not that people have underpowered lungs, their lungs just don't like the smoke and respond by coughing
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  4. maybe i should of mentioned the fact i have asthma ? i dont know i hang around my buddys a lot where he likes to use a bong so i get plenty of hits off that but my lungs never really get anymore use to it i dont know its weird
  5. Try a Vaporizer if it doesn't get better. It's nice to hit the bong every now and then. But for people with sensitive lungs find it better to vape their herb or concentrates. You can also find attachments to hook up you vaporizer to a bong. I recommend the Deluxe Daddy. It's a Table Top Vaporizer. It's quite small but can vaporize your her at a desired temperature or com-bust it so you get a Pipe or Bong like rip.

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