We seem to have confused means and purpose.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by illusionofI, Feb 14, 2020.

  1. The goal of a society should be life, and not productivity. Life requires productivity, but productivity does not require life.The problem is, we seem to have confused the means of achieving the purpose as being the purpose.

    I currently work in an oversight function for a large company that is at present acquiring it’s competitors at an alarming rate. Our “push” for 2020 is automation of any processes and functions which can be automated.

    We are racing towards a point where life is no longer required for what we seem to have made our primary purpose. What happens when we get there?
  2. Turtles all the way down bud.

    The heart that loves the wicked ego creates the hated enemy. - Masanobu Fukuoka
  3. What we seek is infinite progression, but what we attain is the inverse?

    You may need to dumb this one down for me.
  4. IMO people work too much to feed the machine- earning and spending money. Since we “have to”, to have a roof over our heads, food etc we must do all these things that go hand in hand... things that we don’t want to do. We all know this, we can still take care of eachother the good ol way barter, trade, work together to build a community. Those times are in the past though, unwilling to take a step back as a risk to the economy we continue down a path of pollution, corruption, and downright greed... again we all know this to be true but yet we say “ oh well that’s the way it is”

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  5. On Netflix there’s a series called “black mirror” it’s awesome!
    A satirical but alarmingly accurate outlook on life and how we’ve become too dependant on technology.
    It’s funny too, it’s a series where every episode is basically a completely different short film .
    There’s an episode where we’ve become that reliant on machines that we work in cycle dynamo farms to power them all.
    The only escape is porn or X factor.

    there’s also an episode (filmed before the scandal) where the U.K. prime minister has to fuck a pig on tv or princess anne will be executed live.

    And another about some comedian running for prime minister as a laugh and getting it. Which also just happened in one of the Slavic countries last year.

    Way too much shit from it is becoming true like. Waaaayyy too much.

    Don’t watch the later released movie though it’s shite :)
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  6. I’ve seen several of the episodes and i agree. It’s alarming how some of the ideals are simultaneously ridiculous and seemingly realistic.
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  7. Right!?!?!?!? This first thing people talk about when they meet someone new is their job. The attractive form of the human body is slim or muscular which is achieved by "working out." People who don't have jobs are outcasts in society.

    If you ask me it's all slave culture. The goal is to get people to take pride in work and sex is the incentive. The powers that be took our lives of eating, sleeping, and reproducing and placed obstacles like work, vanity, and honor in the way.

    I am no slave. Shame does not control me for I have removed my emotional stake from society. Thank you Terence McKenna. Every religion of the world tortures innocent life until it replicates the ideas of the church and not of itself. There is no good or evil. There is life and then there are all of the wicked ideas of the past that should have died with their creators.
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  8. #8 Alluvium, Feb 14, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2020
    Basically the idea I proposed to draw upon is the idea that it’s layer after layer. When will your contempt for a particular idea resolve itself? If so, what layer does that pose and where will it go and just how far are you willing to go down the worm hole and in the end how blind will you be to the things you can truly fix in your life?

    I understand that we all want to make an impact on the lives of everyone and to the multiple complications drawn about throughout the world. That though is an exhaustible conclusion that will never have a means to be finished.

    So why not focus more thoroughly on the things one can change in their life and maybe take a step away from the global machine and make your own part so to speak to sell to the machine operators?

    And as far as the quote goes.... that is my signature. It can mean anything to anyone given their own interpretation wether more complex or more simplistic. All it happens to be is a quote I enjoy.

    The heart that loves the wicked ego creates the hated enemy. - Masanobu Fukuoka
  9. Most our childhoods are spent in training to become “productive” members of society.
  10. Those are the years when human beings are the most dangerous. A child's mind with no rules could take over the planet. That's why they lock us in buildings and teach us outdated information when the real education is being patient while being lied to. I fought the school system and was in trouble every day for smelling like weed from middle school and on. They didn't silence me because of the good green ganja which lifted my programmed inhibitions.
  11. Can one not strive for both?
    If any one of us suffers, we all suffer.
    Should the slave who is escaping, or who has escaped not concern themselves with the freedom of others?
  12. Changing ones own life and making a beneficial impact on others.
  13. If a slave frees himself and then convinces other people to follow that path it will one day become the new prison. Each of us must free our own minds. This is not The Matrix and I'm not Lawrence Fishburne. We are not creating an army of the free to destroy the army of the wicked because that is wicked.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  14. You seem to have misjudged my intention. I do not wish for people to follow my path, for i do not know where it leads.
    We are told that there is one path - this is an illusion. If i were to declare my path as the path, the illusion shifts, yet remains.
  15. People talk bout the “pyramid of society” we’re all slaves to “the man”

    But at the end of the day if we didn’t have people in control then we would all be out robbing each other because there would be no food, water, electricity or fuel !!!!!

    we would literally still be in the Stone Age, beating each other to death with rocks....
    ....Oh wait,
    that actually still happens in most countries of a certain religion....
    must be the fault of god, Jehovah, allah or Thor or aquaman or any other of the other 3000 “gods” that apparently exist so don’t worry about it.
    If it wasn’t gods plan it couldn’t possibly have happened :love-m3j:
  16. Ah yes, the colonial powers spread from Europe, saving all of the poor savages from beating each other to death with rocks in lands with no food or water.
  17. How do you know we would be in the stone age and why do you think people just murdered each other all day in the stone age? The stone age was the beginning of tools... a golden era before agriculture disrupted the natural way of life. If we relived the stone age maybe something different would happen. Maybe cannons wouldn't have dominated and instead kilns led to turbine engines and we'd be thousands of years past the present era.
  18. People seem ignorant to the fact that there are a handful of “stone age” tribes still around today that seem to be perfectly content with their way of life. Meanwhile, many in the civilized world continue to strive to fix their way of life.
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  19. I just imagine people look at modern civilization and think to themselves that they are living in the best time that has ever been. They believe in science because of all the inventions that make the world easier... machines. They believe in religion because of the good they see in it. They are, through many cultures, inducted into the world of humanity. They don't consider the fact that everything could have transpired into something completely different and in doing so give credence to the world as it exists. Their ignorance is what cements a perpetually abstract body of life into this statue of reality we call life.
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