We have to be quick

Discussion in 'General' started by mushroomsatsuji, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. A keyboard

    I will lull the zombies into a trance-like state with my psychedelic noodling
  2. the switch to turn the zombies into weed ftw:hello:
  3. This thread will be locked because zombies shouldn't be killed. We should treat them as our friends and sing kumbaya.
  4. My headphones and a pillow. Fuck.

    At least I can be comfortable right up until the moment when they violently tear me asunder
  5. A pint glass! :smoke:
  6. I have a coffee cup, a phone, a flower and a calculator. I will make a bomb :hello:
  7. a tack on the wall

  8. A spoon with some crusted yogurt on it
  9. almond butter.

  10. My bed. Dammit, I'm gonna die.

  11. you can always hide under it
  12. Remote control. Damn, i might be able to kill a couple with this thing...
  13. A big silver round thing. (I don't know what's called, but is surely a good weapon)

  14. Zombies can smell fear though...
  15. A cheap angel figurine with broken off hands

    But her music can calm he most savage of beasts
  16. A desk lamp lol.

    I could beat them to death with it...
  17. sledge hammer....crazy...had you chosen the right side, i would of had my choice of windex, dog treats, and a garbage bag.

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