nah, i don't think there is an absolute truth. about anything. well, there is, but it gets jumbled up and distorted by all the different people. so there's an absolute truth but because it is impossible to ever be sure that you have attained that absolute truth, it simply doesn't matter that the absolute truth exists at all. the only relevant truth is the truth for yourself because man you just got to live your life according to what's right for you man i'm so high.
its impossible to know anything 100% for certain unless it has already happened. there are just wayyy too many variables when you think about, and an infanite number of possibilities to the way a situation would go. no matter what you think might happen some other shit could come along and totally throw your idea of what was going to happen out the window. so no, there isn't anything that you can know ahead of time with 100% certainty.
predictability is the key. lets use throwing ur lighter up in the air. can we predict where its going to come down? has it ever NOT come down? if someone cannot find one case where the opposite is true, its as close to fact as we can get. if i can predict, 100% of the time that something will do something, then its safe to say that there is some truth there.
wow i never even thought about the 'laws' of science. gravity in which froggy is speaking is basically predictable...and almost 100% sure. i still think that there is that small maybe a fucking 100000th of a percentage chance that something will defy the laws that we know.
what we dont know is the future. again, predictability is as close as we can get. go ahead, throw ur lighter up in the air and see how many times it says up there...
damn striaght i will throw my lighter up in the air...ill keep counting too ... lmao if i wanted to prove you wrong it'd take me the rest of my life but as for knowing something 100% certain i still think there is the smallest chance in might be wrong. i.e. the future...we can never know what teh future has in store until it happens.
math is very predictable. using the scientific method is very predictable. u are absolutely correct to say that we cannot know the future, that is why we developed the tools of science and math. once one gets to the higher levels of science, predictability becomes the important piece of data. but in a sense, if i can predict something so that it never is wrong, like throwing the lighter in the air and being able to say it "WILL" come down, and it does, dont i actually KNOW the future? which brings me to philosophy. there is many people, including the Dalai Lama, that say that we are our future. that by throwing the lighter up in the air, we are making our future. if we do good in the world, we will get goodness back. yingyang sorts of things. we are our future means that one cannot 100% predict our future because we havnt made it yet. or maybe this example, an artist. there is a guy down the block that took down an old tree and is carving sumthing out of the stump. if u would ask him what it is, he might say 2 things. i dont know or its a 'fill in the blank, ill use a flower'. maybe the tree didnt know or maybe the artist didnt know before they started. that is why he had to study and 'see' what the trunk wanted. but once he says, 'its a flower', he has forged his future. then i can say that i can see the future, by saying that stump will become a flower. if u have not rented this move, u MUST rent it. ALL PPL MUST SEE THIS VIDEO. there are so many interesting things explored in it. but the one im thinking of now is how the researcher could change the structure of water by thoughts.
im not talking about ahead of time. ahead of time dosen't matter... the only thing that matters is right now. We don't really know anything for 100% sure, right now?... do we?
Fact A fact or factual entity is a phenomenon that is perceived as an elemental principle. It is rarely one that could be subject to personal interpretation. Instead it is most often the observed phenomena of the natural world. The proposition 'the sun rises in the east', is a fact. It is a fact for people belonging to any group or nationality regardless of which language they speak or which part of the hemisphere they come from. The Galilean proposition in support of the Copernican theory, that the sun is the centre of the solar system is one that states the fact of the natural world. However during his lifetime Galileo was ridiculed for that factual proposition, because far too few people had a consensus about it in order to accept it as a truth. Fewer propositions are factual in content in the world, as compared to the many truths shared by various communities, which are also fewer to the innumerable individual phenomenological realities. Much of scientific exploration, experimentation, interpretation and analysis is done on this level. This view of reality is well expressed by Philip K. Dick's statement that "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." i absolutly agree with this statement drawn from -"reality" the last statement is the most important in my mind. using dick's theory, you can by-pass the underlining problem, human interference.
Rationalism refers to knowledge of the mind. Empiricism refers to sensory perception. Some philosophers say that your senses cannot be trusted and true knowledge is composed of forms (plato's forms) in the mind. According to rationalist philosophers, knowledge that is absolute is true. For example: A triangle has 3 sides. A triangle will always be a triangle. It is absolute and universal, therefore it is true. As for empirical knowledge, everyone percieves thing differently and therefore empirical is subjective and the truth behind empirical knowledge is not reliable. Objective v.s. Subjective knowledge. Man, I'm fucked.
scientific laws are truths. if i throw up my lighter it will come down. if light my lighter and inhale, the flame will be drawn into the bowl and i will get high. happens everyday, and i know it's going to.
Mathematical equations are established beliefs. We from past experiences believe that the circle will fit in the square if the size is right, but if you take that same equation, and replace the circle with a new, unidentified linear/non-linear shape, you cannot be certain that it will fit. Be careful what you're saying. Science is merely an observation of the full-spectrum of reason, let's not jump too broad and anger the sophists.
Mathematical equations are established beliefs. We from past experiences believe that the circle will fit in the square if the size is right, but if you take that same equation, and replace the circle with a new, unidentified linear/non-linear shape, you cannot be certain that it will fit. but u have changed the formula by adding a new shape. there must be formed new laws and math needs to confirm the predictability of the new formula. like i said before, i think the closest we come is predictability and math is a major tool in that. scientific laws are truths i dont agree with this, for science is always finding new theories and observations. they knew as a scientific truth that the world was flat and that the universe revolved around us. but if a law predicts 100% of the time, its a close to truth as we got.
not true. scientific laws are truths... so far as we have observed. Any of them could change at even given moment for any given reason. You throw your lighter up... a monster comet hits the earth and sets us off orbit... bye bye lighter haha.