we are all a part of one organism

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by NFloyd2357, Aug 20, 2010.

  1. that many like to call god (please, no comments on western idea of god as a being). "he" is similar, if not the same, as all of us. he is awakening and coming to a stage of complete enlightenment... it is happening as (and b/c) more and more people on earth awaken and become enlightened. "his/her" projected date of completion/enlightenment is ~2012. discuss.

    also: Braincell - Universe
  2. I think I understand what you're saying, and I would agree. We are all connected through nature. Us, rocks, plants, other animals, planets, stars, galaxies... we're all connected.

    The difference I'd say, between your thoughts and mine on this, is that I would believe that if there is a god, god itself would be us, and us god. All life is capable of reproduction, creating new life. We all grow, combine ourselves with other organisms and energy by means of consumption or absorption.

    These are my thoughts. Good thread, btw.:wave:
  3. I agree that we're all connected, and you could call that unity god. If the goal of creation is complete enlightenment, we are NOWHERE NEAR that goal, and it certainly won't be completed in 2012.
  4. We are all one, we are all from the same beginning, we are whatever created us....i totally dig what you're sayin.
  5. one of the main points i'm putting forth is exactly that, though - that we are one in the same. also, maybe we created eachother. maybe like a yin/yang duality necessary for existence to function? shit i'm high i gotta stop and think about this shit now

  6. Ah ok, it was just the wording then, I guess. I agree 100% with you then.:D
  7. One idea i like is one I thought of while researching quantum physics, and just generally thinking about existence vs nothingness. The quantum physics part comes from the fact that atoms have no form without a conscious observer, they are a wave, then when an observer comes into play, they be come particles. This relates to my idea that god exists as the all, but we create god through observation, because without a conscious observer god has no form, there is only nothingness. We create god through observation, and god creates us through the formation of consciousness (not like some dude in the sky creating conscious observers, but a forming of all coming into existence). The observer and the observed are one in the same, in microcosm and macrocosm of each other.

    Bleh i hate trying to express my ideas... it never seems as right in words as it does in visualizing the idea in my head. w/e hope you understand what I'm saying.

  8. exactly exactly exactly, i get what you're saying 100%, i agree. thats sorta how i view it as the whole yin/yang. we need eachother to create eachother, and therefore form what is existence.
  9. ^We need nothing. ;)

    "Form is emptiness and emptiness is form."
  10. I've gotten way less spiritual about this shit since reading all the ancient astronaut stuff. I'll be pretty pissed if I am simply part of a genetically modified slave race born from a petri dish (along with domesticated animals and plants). I mean I'm not trying to kill the thread... it's just playing on my mind of late, and I fucking hate it. Spirituality from East to West, could just be one big bullshit abstraction installed in us (or falsely inferred), which blinds us from the fact that we are manufactured... not a natural piece of the organism... and this is why the organism is so unwell/out of balance... as it has this mutated gene in it.
  11. are you talking about the reptillians? :eek:

    and what do you mean ancient astronaut stuff?
  12. Zacharia Sitchin, Lloyd Pye etc... especially Lloyd. Someone posted the "Starchild skull"... but just his work on human genetics in general. Absolutely fascinating, and more logical than "evolution." I mean, he essentially has 'smoking gun' evidence... not that I want to detract from the topic here. Just saying that my world has changed dramatically in the last few week.

  13. don't worry its not detracting from the topic - i've thought about the subject heavily before... either way, i wish i could add more but i gotta head off to work
  14. #14 1Trismegistus1, Aug 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2010
    If this "one" organism is progressing as we progress, that means it is progressing into something as there would be a higher level of enlightenment to grow into. This organism could not be God, as God is the Almight/ Highest Being that exists, and there can be nothing greater or else it would mean it is not the Almighty, and only part of the Almighty, hence not being the One, as One implies a whole, absolute being. The Universe is One as it contains ALL things in One being. Unless perhaps your theory refers to the multiverse theory where our particular multiverse is becoming more enlightened as the sum total of mans enlightenment expands.

    edit: we've never taken a picture of the universe, we have no clue what it looks like from any distance further than our own galaxy, so the "picture of the Universe" is not accurate by any means other than someones depiction.
  15. i know you dont want references to the "western god" but as a theist, i believe that we are created in the image of god... not to sound cliche but just to state my personal belief.
    therefore, taking that into account, we as beings created in this image(which obviously isnt a physical or tangable image), share the same life force as "god", a force which i also believe compels us to love one another and to to strive toward the unified way which we are supposed to live. if this "god" did create us with this same force and order, then i believe that (also taking into account the patterns which are constant throughout the universe) we very well could be part of one singular organism, created by and part of "god"

  16. its not "the one," just "one." we're all the same, we're all god. try not to look at it from that western view we've had imbedded into us - hes not almighty, all powering, etc etc
  17. YES, pretty much my thoughts

    except i don't think we are creating god through our perception, rather, this is the manifestation of reality god has bestowed upon us through our bodies and senses

    so, this is my own theory, but according to Quantum Physics (or at least What The Bleep Do We Know), the universe exists in a holograph, that is, an image, if you will, that if you were to zoom out on, you would find an infinatley repeating pattern, forever

    So, what is these atom wavelengths were the stream of consciousness that is God, the universe, the all encompassing. And in our reality, we perceive these waves as matter. What if each atom was a tiny speck of consciousness, the same as you or I, but lesser possibly, and what we percieve is our interpretation of that consiousness... Now, if you were to zoom out a "dimension", if you will, there are higher levels of consciousness, perceiving us as something we couldn't even begin to describe, and the pattern continues forever...

    Actually, i could see some holes in that logic, but i'll see what you guys think :smoking:
  18. man, ive thought of this before, but i really like the way you put it. very cool.

  19. you should definitely watch "what the bleep do we know," then. in fact, i posted this right after watching it! like, literally 5 minutes after watching it
  20. #20 Perpetual Burn, Aug 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2010
    No offense, but you should really take 'What the Bleep do we Know' with a grain of salt. There is a lot of pseudoscience in the film and a number of downright lies.

    For example, Masura Emoto's work with putting the words on bottles of water causing the crystals to change their shape relative to the word on the bottle is a complete hoax. Emoto intentionally picked out crystals that supported his hypothesis and ignored those that did not.

    Also, many of the films producers are members of the Ramtha cult which is responsible for such less-than-factual films as the 'Zeitgeist' series. It could be said to watch 'What the Bleep do we Know' in the same light as the 'Zeitgeist' films, but some people actually believe them... so keep in mind that both films have an agenda and are prone to ignore both fact and science.

    One of the "experts" interviewed in the film is JZ Knight, the founder of the Ramtha School of Enlightenment, is allegedly channeling the spirit of a 35,000 year old warrior spirit from Atlantis named Ramtha.

    Also, another "expert" on quantum physics... is a chiropractor.


    Sorry for the rant... it's just probably not too wise to put too much faith in claims of 'What the Bleep do we Know.' It is art with an agenda, not science.

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