We are aliens on earth?

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by TxNCG, May 27, 2008.

  1. Hey just came up with a slightly silly, slightly interesting theory after reading that exit mundi site for cataclysmal events. This is all based loosely off the meteor theory wiping most life forms out of existence even before the dinosaurs. What if our "adam and "eve" or founding single celled organism whichever you would like to call it came from another planet/solar system ect. Ex: Came down on the many foreign objects which abused our planet for years before life existed? This theory just came to me literally minutes ago so I haven't had time to reflect on it ect but it is interesting. You all are more than welcome to add to it/point out obvious faults. Im always in the quest for knowledge hah
  2. and the "we" doesn't have to be condensed to define just the human race, but all organisms that have developed on earth. There could have been a whole other set of races/genotypes ect but whatever it is that killed them off
  3. like the single cells came from the meteor?

    sounds cool man.
    i think we evolved though, at least up to the missing link.
    at that point there may have been some alien intervention

    i dunno about so early though. especially not comparing adam and eve.

    thats a fictional story.:cool::cool:
  4. ^were you there? ;)

    personal (well, many others agree) theory.

    we were genetically engineered by another species called the anunaki.
  5. Interesting theory, but NAHHH. Our evolutionary path is pretty clearly etched out.

    I heard another theory that said aliens could be evolved humans who figured out time/space travel and are studying us. Hmm.
  6. Hey,I seen the same show..It was very interesting
  7. Though panspermia is a possibility, it isn't really plausible, or at least, made plausible by evidence. And furthermore, do not explain any better the origin of life than the current understanding of emergence here on earth.

    It's a case of Occams razor. Life on earth had to start somewhere. Having it start on earth is a simpler explanation than it beeing seeded from somewhere else life started, since we do not know the condition of that life emergence, and thus cannot hope to explain it.

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