We are a special generation.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Austin Claus, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Something special perhaps?
    For people born in the years of 1900-1999...

    Take the the last two digits of your birth date.(Mine is 1992, so 92)
    And add that number with the age your turning this year.(I'm going to be 19 on August 12th)
    The results are 111
    The number 111 is a significant number and will add up the same for everybody in this generation.

    Do the math and lets see how many 111's we can get on this post :)

    Also if anybody knows the significance of the number 1, or even 111, and you'd like to share, then please do. I find this pretty cool..


    *Math Work*
    If you were born between 1900 and 1999, then:
    your age on your birthday this year will be 2011 - (1900 + d), where d is given by the last two digits of the year you were born. Since 2011 - (1900 + d) = (2011 - 1900) - d, when you add your age this year to the last two digits of the year you were born the result is (2011 - 1900) - d + d = 2011 - 1900 = 111.

  2. #2 1Trismegistus1, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    Kabalistic significance of the number 1. copypasta

    Number one is the first number in the universe and represents the highest form, i.e.,
    God Himself. The manifested light, and everything that was made of it, is God in His
    oneness, which is also reflected in all other numbers in all possible states of
    manifestation. Very wisely, in Hebrew quabbalah, the one is called "kether", that is,

    crown. Whenever the Deity was to be identified, this was done by number one. Some
    systems, especially the quabbalistic system, also mention the zero, the so-called ain-
    soph, but this is incomprehensible, unimaginable for man and only serves as a hint
    that apart from the one nothing else and nothing higher can exist that would be
    comprehensible to a man's spirit. Graphically speaking, number one is symbolized by
    a dot which represents, in the different systems, the symbol of divine unification, of
    becoming one with God.

    Someone who starts his spiritual development, from ignorance, at once with number
    one will sooner or later end with number ten, for "one" represents the omnipotence
    and "ten" the deepest humility. The systems of initiation which begin with number
    one are indiscriminately called monistic systems in hermetic science. The quabbalist
    should always be aware of the fact that number one means highest cognition, highest
    unity, highest wisdom. All original ideas taken together form the One; God in His
    Revelation. According to the Bible, number one is identified with the first day of
    creation, on which God said "Let there be light". Apart from many other things, all
    evolution starts with this number.

    edit: by the way, they'll all be 111 because everytime you subtract a year from the birth year you add a year to the age one will be turning.

    Kabalistically speaking 111 would actually be 3. 1+1+1, in which case......

    This number is graphically symbolized by a triangle. The three is the number of akasa principle, of fate, of karma, and, planetarily seen, the three is attributed to the sphere of Saturn. Everything that was, that is and that will be, the mental as well as the astral and the material, originates from the akasa principle, wherein the three is also to be found. Number three is the original idea of procreation, which manifests itself in the plus and the minus, i.e., in man and woman who, in unification, beget the third, i.e., the child. In man himself, the three is represented by spirit, soul and body. The three is also the number of intuition. All religious systems, in their fateful manifestation, have derived from this number. Three is the number of life and death. It is the number
    of cognition in its highest form.
  3. Enough Said.

    We came on this earth to love.

    This is our generation.

    There can be no more hate, or negativity.

    From now on this post will only be about:
    -good deeds that you have done for people.
    -a time you have restrained from being angry, and in return showed love
    -or simply where you felt a connection with love, whether it be through music, an experience, or even another person

    Year 2012-A year of awakening
    Year 2011-A year of concioussness

    Love is in our genes!!!

    There has been too much hate in this world, nows a time for positive change!

    Let the post begin!
  4. Dude. Are you serious? I just don't know where to begin...we really are the "special" generation aren't we? Basic math and logic, fail.
  5. I thought i was too high to understand that math problem but it actually doesnt make sense lol
  6. This is the best thread ever! :devious:
  7. i love............EVERYONE!!!:devious:

    DO YOU LOVE ME??:eek:

  8. Call me an idiot but wtf does that mean? A year of awakening? A year of consciousness? Don't tell me to Google, give me your view please, Mr. Claus.

    edit: Next year my ... our numbers will be 112. What does kabality[?] say about that? Seeing as there's a change coming next year.
  9. #10 Psilocin420, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    Yeaa, because basic math is so special. Last year was 110 and next year will be 112, nothing special there.

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