Waz Good?!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by ChillySmokey, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. What's up members of Grasscity? I just joined the site and I'm not really new to smoking bud even though I'm definitely no expert. I have been smoking for about 2 years. :yummy:

  2. Welcome aboard bro. What do you like to smoke out of?
  3. good to meet you.

    enjoy the many trolls and slightly mean ish people.

    dont let them bring you down.

    there are alot of cool blades here.

    lemme brush you up on some gc talk aswell.

    OP (original poster)
    Blade (grasscity, blades of grass.)
    Dont talk about other drugs.
    dont ask for hookups.
    smoke alot of weed before posting haha

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