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Ways to prevent your heartrate from going too fast when you get high?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Chinajewelry, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. It's usually not a problem but I'm going through some withdrawal from the world's worst drug, Effexor- sonofabitch fucks with your body...Anyway, Ive been changing meds lately and I got a rash on effexor so my doc has been weening me off and the other day I came completely off but my pulse has been pretty high regularly ever since I tried to start coming off of it.

    So, I try not to let it freak me out because they did my EKG and thyroid and all was normal, so it shouldn't be a problem, however, when I get high, (The higher I get the worse it is) it speeds up considerably, and since I'm high, I get freaked out and then can't enjoy it. Soooo, I've just been limiting my highs but maybe there is something I can do to help it beforehand or during? Like, aspirin or something? Do you think taking baclofen will help? Because I have some of those left. :p

    (* No bitch comments please, I'm tired of hearing them, they don't help and you're just being a useless ass. *)
  2. its because your thinking about your heart too much ignore it , its not that hard you probably ahve anxiety issues , you can switch to a more indica strain those will get you more relaxed cause its higher CBD rates , but I had anxiety and heart rate issues like you wHEN I want off my speed meds. Only thing that could do it for me was them benzos ,xannie bar workd me well .
  3. the best natural way is to take deep breathes. put your hands on your head. breathe through your nose and out your mouth. go for a small run, obviously your BP is gong to be higher for a bit but once you get calmed down afterwards it'll lower.

    i noticed when i do any kind of workout, my chance from getting anxiety or a high bp after blazing is significantly lower.
  4. There's not really much you can do to slow your heart rate down. That's just something weed does. It's nothing to worry about, though. Your EKG came back fine. If it's bothering you that badly, lay off the weed for a bit.
  5. ^^ Thats some good advice, thanks. I hope it's just temporary
  6. Yeah, deep breathes help a lot. And you shouldn't be worried about an increased heart rate. I promise you it's not beating faster than someone who is working out. I used to get paranoid about my heart rate increasing from smoking weed, and then I realized that when I workout my heart beats twice as fast as it does when I'm high, so no worries. An increased heart rate isn't necessarily a bad thing.
  7. You can become hyper sensitive to feeling your heartbeat all the time. Nearly drove me fucking crazy and took me a couple of years to get over it!
  8. Yea, hey! Is that what burns the calories? Because if so, then multitasking! Smokin weeeeeed to burn the fat LOL :D

    I'm starting to get more used to the feeling, so I guess that's something.
  9. I had this happen to me. I got anxiety pills
  10. take some antacids, tums, rolaids etc.
  11. Have something to eat an hour before
    Stay hydrated
    That may help or you may get nausea and throw up...
    but sometimes a beer or two an hour before will loosen you up, it will depress CNS
    Best advice is to guide your dosage
    The tiniest tiny bit (.2g) can be too much, so I would just start really small, below scale. Not every joint or bowl is the same. If you use a bowl, shop for a smaller one. If you roll joints, try rolling tighter ones (or spliffs if you smoke). Don't take monster hits if you think it's not smart
  12. Take smaller rips. Just inhale a small amount of smoke at a time so you can regulate how high you get. Then when you get to where you feel it is enough put the pipe down.
  13. Go see a fucking doctor. Do you really trust the advice of some 14 year old on the internet over a professional who has had over 10 years of training?
  14. I have anxiety problems and when i stop smoking bud i get major anxiety. 
  15. Qft
    What does 'Qft' mean?
  17. Quoted for truth

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